Call for innovative climate finance ideas by the Climate Finance Lab 2024

The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance annually invites proposals for financial instruments that can attract investment to address challenging climate and sustainable development issues. Selected ideas are provided with guidance and support from influential leaders in the public and private sectors, who offer expertise, political capital, and financial support to the instruments.

Additionally, the chosen proposals undergo rigorous analysis, stress-testing, and development by Climate Policy Initiative’s team of experts. The Lab seeks innovative finance solutions that can mobilize investment to address complex climate and sustainable development challenges, as well as investment opportunities for a net zero economy.

Sustainable finance proposals should offer returns for private investors, generate employment and other local economic advantages, safeguard biodiversity, enhance climate resilience, and/or reduce emissions.

For further details, please visit the official webpage of the Climate Finance Lab 2024 call for innovative climate finance ideas. Deadline: December 27th, 2023

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