Submit Your Opportunities

Fill out the form below to submit your opportunities and get them published.

At Opportunities For You (, we compile and publish opportunities from organizations, sponsors, programs, and governments for individuals, scholars, entrepreneurs, startups, businesses, and professionals. 

We do not charge or collect any fees for publishing any opportunity on our platform. It is rendered as a public service information platform. We are the window to the world of opportunities.

You can submit and publish your opportunities or programs in any one of the following sectors or areas:

  • Grants and Funding
  • Awards
  • Contests and Competitions
  • Acceleration and Incubation Programs
  • Fellowships
  • Scholarships
  • Bootcamps and Trainings
  • Internships
  • Volunteer opportunities and Programs
  • Jobs

Our website and platform are accessed, read, and consulted by experts in all African countries, especially the English-speaking countries. It is equally consulted and visited by people in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

When you list and publish your opportunities with us on Opportunities For You (, you are having access to our readers and visitors from these countries and beyond and by implication, you are getting a higher success rate.

Please fill out and complete the form below to submit your opportunities and get them published. You can also reach us at [email protected].

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