Apply now for the Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge (€150K Prizes)

The Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge is a prestigious international startup competition that has been organized by Hello Tomorrow since 2014. It is specifically tailored to meet the requirements of early-stage deep tech startups across various sectors.

This Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge offers deep tech and science-driven entrepreneurs worldwide a platform to showcase their projects, facilitating access to equity-free funding, enhanced global visibility, and networking opportunities with influential figures in the deep tech ecosystem. To date, past winners and finalists have collectively secured over $3 billion in funding.

Applications for the Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge are completely free and will remain open until September 22, 2024.

The Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge culminates in the Grand Finals, which will be held during the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit in Paris on March 13 and 14, 2025.

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Affordable medical Treatment from India – Core synergy Limited

TRACKS – Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge

  • Aerospace
  • Advanced Computing & Electronics
  • Digital Health & Medical Devices
  • Energy
  • Environment & Biodiversity
  • Food & Agriculture
  • Industrial Biotech & New Materials
  • Industry & Machines
  • Medical Biotech & Pharmaceuticals
  • Sustainable Construction & Infrastructure

VERTICALS – Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge

  1. We welcome all deep tech startups. You should be able to fit in at least one of our Global Challenge tracks this year:
  2. We welcome all deep tech startups. You should be able to fit in at least one of our 10 Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge tracks this year:
  3. Aerospace, Advanced Computing & Electronics, Digital Health & Medical Devices, Energy, Environment & Biodiversity, Food & Agriculture, Industrial Biotech & New Materials, Industry & Machines, Medical Biotech & Pharmaceuticals, Sustainable Construction & Infrastructure.
  4. If you don’t fit into any of these tracks, please contact us or choose the closest fitting track.

CORPORATE TRACKS – Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge

  1. On top of the Global Challenge tracks, you can also apply to any open Corporate track.
  2. You will only need to apply once to both the Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge in one of the official tracks and to any of the available Corporate Tracks.
  3. You cannot apply only to a Corporate Track, you have to choose one of the official tracks as well.

CHALLENGE BENEFITS –  Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge


  1. Winners get 1-to-1 coaching & personal introductions with potential investors, partners and clients.
  2. Connect with industry experts, investors & fellow entrepreneurs at our Global Summit.
  3. Join our Deep Tech Pioneers community for all-year access to a global network.


  1. Receive the Deep Tech Pioneer recognition & get a chance to be featured in our reports and invited to speak at future events.
  2. Pitch or showcase opportunities in front of renowned industry leaders & investors.
  3. Get spotted by international media, with interview opportunities.


  1. €100K Grand Prize, €25K 2nd prize and €25K pre-VC stage prize – all equity-free, no strings attached.
  2. Advertise your open fundraising to our active international investor network.
  3. Join our Investor Day for 1-on-1 meetings with 300+ renowned VCs and CVCs.

AWARDS – Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge

Around 800 startups will be selected to receive the “Deep Tech Pioneer” global recognition and get exclusive access to:

  • an international deep tech network to tap into opportunities for visibility, funding and connections
  • our Investor Day to engage in one-on-one meetings with 300+ top-tier VCs and CVCs
  • our Global Summit to interact with sector-specific and invite-only industry leaders, investors, accelerators and fellow founders.

80 finalists (7 finalists per track and 7 for the Emerging Pioneers Prize) will be selected to pitch in front of a select audience of 400 people to compete for equity-free prize money: €100K for the Grand Winner, €25K for 2nd place and €25K for the Emerging Pioneers Prize. The 11 Track Winners will also receive in-kind prizes in the form of customized coaching sessions provided by our experts and personal introductions with relevant investors & potential partners and clients.

Additional “Corporate Tracks” co-organized with our corporate partners will provide more pitching opportunities and customized prizes.

CHALLENGE ELIGIBILITY – Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge

  • Are in the early-stage of development (from not yet incorporated startups up to series A or early commercialization stage)
  • Are based on a new technology, a scientific discovery or a complex engineering process.
  • Have a scientific validation of their claim, a proof of concept, a prototype, or are in the process of producing one.
  • Have a team of at least 2 people.
  • Are not a subsidiary or spin-off of an existing company.
  • Foresee an economically viable application on the market within 15 years.
  • Have the potential to have a strong impact on the industry targeted, and on society or the environment in general.

SELECTION – Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge

The judging takes place in 3 distinctive steps. Applicants will be informed of the progress at each step.

  1. Deep Tech Pioneers – The jury selects the best startups based on the quality of their online application & welcomes them to the Deep Tech Pioneers community so they can get immediate access to available benefits.
  2. Finalists – After being selected as Deep Tech Pioneers, applicants must update and fill in the rest of the application form. The jury selects around 7 Finalists per track. These Finalists will be invited to pitch during the Grand Finals at the Summit in Paris.
  3. Track Winners & Grand Winner – A jury made up of investors, corporates, scientists and other experts in the relevant field select the Track Winners and ultimately, the Grand Winner following their pitches at the Summit.

SELECTION CRITERIA – Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge

Applications are reviewed by expert jury members (investors, entrepreneurs, executives, researchers and other experts in the respective field). For the Grand Finals taking place during the Global Summit, a list and profile of the jury members will be published online and made accessible to applicants prior to the event.

Applications are judged according to the following criteria:

  • Technological innovation: The company must develop a product/service based on a new technology, a scientific discovery or a complex engineering process.
  • Impact: The company must have the potential to make a substantial long-term impact on business and/or society.
  • Economic viability: The company should have well-formulated development plans, objectives and a sustainable business model.
  • Team: The company must have visionary leadership with the capabilities to drive the company towards success.

During the Grand Finals at the Summit, the jury members rate and select projects based on the quality of the pitch and the complementary information provided to them about the startups after the initial selection rounds (1-page summary & pitch deck).

APPLICATION – Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge

  1. For details and to apply visit the official website of the Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge
  2. Deadline is September 22, 2024


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