Applications open for the TEBEBA School of Writing challenge (N1.5 million worth or prizes)

TEBEBA, a renowned writing and publishing organization, provides exceptional solutions for leaders and individuals in Africa and worldwide. With a focus on ghostwriting, editing, publishing, and printing services, TEBEBA fulfills its clients’ writing and publishing dreams. Founded by Emmanuel Olatunji, TEBEBA is a registered company in Nigeria and the United States of America.

In an effort to give back to society and inspire more individuals to discover their writing potential, TEBEBA School of Writing is hosting a 31-day Teedba School of writing challenge. This second edition of the challenge will take place from July 1st, 2024, to July 31st, 2024.

To make the most of this opportunity, it is crucial to carefully read and understand all the provided details. Failure to do so may result in disqualification


Target: TEBEBA School of Writing challenge

The TEBEBA School of Writing Challenge is an online writing challenge designed for individuals who:

1. Seek to push their limits
2. Aim to cultivate their writing abilities
3. Want to uncover their writing talents
4. Are keen on establishing a writing routine
5. Are willing to connect with fellow writers
6. Aspire to enhance their online presence as writers

The writing challenge has been structured in a distinctive manner that will assist you in becoming a more proficient writer by the conclusion of the challenge. Even if you do not consider yourself a writer, engaging in this writing challenge will reveal the writer within you.

In contrast to typical writing challenges that are evaluated based on the quantity of engagement, this writing challenge will evaluate your writing skills through competent judges, ensuring that it is a test of skill rather than popularity.

Entries and themes: TEBEBA School of Writing challenge

The writing challenge will take place on participants’ Facebook timelines, and each participant is permitted to submit a maximum of two entries per day. The 31-day writing challenge will occur every day of the week (Monday – Sunday). Participants will receive a daily writing prompt that must be incorporated into the first entry of the day, while the second entry can be on topics of the participants’ choice. All entries must refrain from discussing:
– Politics
– Religion
– Profanity
– Gender conflicts
– Self-promotion or promotion of friends’ and associates’ brands
– Advertising goods, services, or courses.

Criteria: TEBEBA School of Writing challenge

1. Participants are required to write consistently for 31 days without any breaks.
2. Tag Emmanuel Olatunji Ega in every Facebook post. Follow his profile here.
3. Include the hashtags #tebebaschoolofwritingchallenge and #tebebapublisher in every post.
4. Select a specific niche to focus on for the next 31 days.
5. Respond to the daily writing prompts provided.
6. Keep your writing prompt articles within 100 – 180 words, and niche articles between 200 – 300 words.
7. Strive to produce high-quality content, as poorly-written articles will impact your score.
8. Write and edit your articles personally; AI-generated content will not be accepted.
9. Avoid including websites, phone numbers, or email addresses in your articles.
10. Use only high-quality images in your posts.
11. Do not publish any content generated by AI.
12. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. All content must be original.
13. Download the TEBEBA BOOKS APP on iOS or Android to access free ebooks for challenge participants.
14. Follow TEBEBA on Instagram @tebebapublisher for updates on the challenge.

Prizes and Awards: TEBEBA School of Writing challenge

Rewards include a cash prize of 250,000 Naira,
a book publishing deal worth 1,000,000 Naira,
vouchers valued at N5,000,
the title of The Exceptional Writer of the Year,
an exclusive online interview with the CEO of TEBEBA,
a potential job opportunity within TEBEBA,
A feature in a newspaper publication as the winner.

Application: TEBEBA School of Writing challenge

1. Enroll at TEBEBA School of Writing and find more information about the institution at In addition to acquiring extensive writing knowledge that will be beneficial during the competition, you will also become a member of a talented community of writers similar to yourself.

2. Visit the official contest website to learn more and apply

3. Attend the complimentary weekly training sessions held every Saturday for all contestants. Make sure not to overlook this opportunity as it will enhance your likelihood of achieving victory.

4. The power of your writing prowess to sway individuals is crucial. These three essential elements will boost your prospects of succeeding in the competition.
5. Deadline is June 30, 2024

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