Call for Applications: Skill-Up Artisans (SUPA) Training Program

SUPA, also known as the Skill-UP Artisans programme, is set to have a significant impact on 10 million artisans within a span of two years. This joint initiative between the Federal Government and the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) will be overseen by the latter.

In alignment with global employment trends, SUPA recognizes the transformation brought about by technological advancements in various industries. The growing preference for white-collar jobs has resulted in a shortage of qualified Nigerian artisans. SUPA aims to reverse this trend.

Furthermore, the lack of a coordinated effort to certify and license artisans has exacerbated the skills gap and highlighted the need to enhance the capabilities of unlicensed and uncertified artisans. The Federal Government is dedicated to promoting skills development among artisans and fostering a society that values shared prosperity, tolerance, compassion, and equal treatment for all citizens. Additionally, the government is determined to address the skills deficiency among artisans and standardize artisanal practices nationwide.

SUPA is a comprehensive initiative that focuses on enhancing service quality through the certification and licensing of artisans, thereby supporting the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises. By ensuring the availability of a skilled workforce for domestic industries, the programme aims to reduce reliance on imported labor. This initiative is specifically designed to empower 10 million hard-working Nigerians within a two-year timeframe. It reflects the government’s commitment to promoting economic development and improving the overall standard of living for its citizens across all sectors.

Goals of the Skill-UP Artisans programme (SUPA)

– Identifying, documenting, and classifying artisans in various sectors of the economy.
– Offering extensive training programs that comply with Industry 4.0 standards and are certified. These programs cover health and safety measures for trades like carpentry, masonry, plumbing, electrical work, and more.
– Facilitating access to necessary tools, equipment, and funds for artisans to grow their businesses.
– Ensuring that Nigerian artisans are certified, licensed, and adhere to standardized methods and practices.
– Increasing employment prospects for artisans in both local and global markets.

Eligibility for the Skill-UP Artisans programme (SUPA)

Be a Nigerian
Be ready to acquire any one of the skills offered by the program
Be available to participate in the program till the end

Application for Skill-UP Artisans programme (SUPA)

To apply as:
1. An Artisan
2. Intending Artisan
3. Training Center for Artisans
Please visit the official registration site of the Skill-UP Artisans programme (SUPA)

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