The Thiel Fellowship for Innovators Call for Applications

The Thiel Fellowship, established in 2011 by technology entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel, is a program that provides a two-year opportunity for young individuals who aspire to create innovative projects. Instead of being confined to a traditional classroom setting, Thiel Fellows receive a generous $100,000 grant and support from the Thiel Foundation’s extensive network of founders, investors, and scientists.

1. What does the Fellowship entail?
The Thiel Fellowship is a program that extends a $100,000 grant over a span of two years to young individuals who are driven to develop novel concepts and ideas, rather than remaining within the confines of a classroom.
2. What is the age requirement for applying?
Applicants must be 22 years old or younger to be eligible for the Thiel Fellowship.
3. How many Fellows are selected each year?
Each year, the Thiel Fellowship selects between 20 and 30 individuals to participate in the program.
4. Is it necessary to have a company or is having an idea sufficient?
While it is not mandatory to have established a company or created a fully-fledged product, applicants should demonstrate significant progress towards a tangible vision.
5. Do I need to have a team in order to apply?
No, the Thiel Fellowship evaluates and accepts applications from individuals, rather than teams.
6. Is there a specific deadline for submitting applications?
No, the Thiel Fellowship accepts applications throughout the year. If you are currently working on an exciting project, we encourage you to apply at your earliest convenience.

To apply go here
For FAQs go here

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