Pacer Labs DesignerThon 2023 is still accepting entries

Pacer Labs DesignerThon 2023 is still accepting entries. The individual UI/UX DesignThon aims to encourage creativity, self-exploration, and skill enhancement. Its objective is to empower designers to expand their horizons and refine their abilities as they delve deeper into the intricacies of user interface and experience design. This unique event is designed to inspire personal development, innovation, and the cultivation of individual design talents.


The theme of the UI/UX DesignerThon centers around the convergence of technology, education and spirituality. Participants  will be challenged to go the extra mile and create seamless and innovative user experiences within the defined context of a measuring app, a Learning Management System and a Sacred Text.

Why Participate

  • Self-Exploration and Growth
  • Portfolio Enhancement
  • Portfolio Enhancement
  • Personal Branding
  • User Centric focus
  • Time Management
  • Flexible and Adaptive design

 Other Exciting Benefits:

  • Automatic Job offers for the three top Designers
  • Premium Google Design Training for the five top Participants
  • Personalised mentoring from leading  industry Expert
  • Opportunity for the top performers to work on the most exciting AI-Led projects out of Africa


The Designerthon is set to take place over a period of four days. The first three days will be focused on the design phase, while the final day will be dedicated to project demonstrations. Mark your calendars for Monday, November 27th, as that’s when the event will kick off. The excitement will continue until Thursday, November 30th, 2023, when the Designerthon comes to a close. To apply and participate visit the official site  Deadline: November 26, 2023

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