Now Open: UN Global Compact Business & Human Rights Accelerator Program 2024

1. The Business & Human Rights Accelerator program is a six-month course designed to help companies participating in the UN Global Compact to take swift action on human and labor rights. The program requires companies to engage in an ongoing human rights due diligence process, which will help them move from commitment to action.


2. To be eligible for the program, companies must be participants of the UN Global Compact or willing to join. They must also be engaged with a Global Compact Local Network in their region, willing to identify their human rights impacts, and able to appoint two representatives to participate in Accelerator activities and peer-learning sessions.


3. The benefits of the program include identifying and assessing a company’s actual or potential adverse human rights impacts, learning how to integrate those findings across processes and take appropriate action, tracking the effectiveness of measures and processes, communicating how impacts are being addressed, and building a network of peers, UN partners, and experts to support the human rights journey.

The Learning Experience

Stage 1+

Participants will understand the various Human Rights and Labor Principles of the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles and human rights due diligence process and then determine where they are on their various human rights journeys.

Stage 2+

Participants scope their company value chains, identifying potential impacts.

Stage 3+

Participants will prioritize salient human rights impacts and then understand their involvement with those impacts.

Stage 4+

Participants will develop specific action plan and related metrics.

.Stage 5+

Participants will understand how to effectively engage stakeholders and also how to communicate their impacts.

Stage 6+

Participants will understand various remedy and grievance mechanisms available. For details Visit  site of the UN Global Compact Business & Human Rights Accelerator Program 2024 Deadline: 15 December 2023

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