Now Open: Archipelagos capacity building Program for young Entrepreneurs and student graduates.

Archipelagos capacity building Program for young Entrepreneurs and student graduates. is an international cooperation program that aims to support SMEs across Africa. The program, developed by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and with the support of the European Commission, offers a dedicated capacity building program for up to 1000+ selected SMEs.

Through the Archipelagos digital platform, these SMEs will have access to training, mentoring, and networking opportunities. The program is designed to strengthen their capabilities and increase their readiness for capital markets.

At the end of the program, the most promising SMEs will receive specialized support for raising funds in the capital markets through innovative debt instruments, backed by a guarantee facility from the European Commission.

In addition to SMEs, young university graduates and young entrepreneurs inspired by the Team Europe Initiative of Investing in Young Business in Africa (TEI IYBA) will also have access to the program to enhance their business skills and knowledge.

To be eligible for the program, SMEs should meet certain requirements, including being Africa-based, having an annual turnover up to USD 50 million, and being in operation for at least 2 years. They should also be for-profit corporations and not be subject to any sanctions or restrictions.

The Archipelagos program is looking for participants who are eager to develop new skills, seek guidance and support from experienced professionals, and connect with other businesses to foster growth and success.

The Archipelagos is seeking participants who are eager to:

1. Enhance their business and increase competitiveness by acquiring new skills and expertise.
2. Receive guidance and support from experienced professionals to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.
3. Connect with other businesses to establish valuable relationships and share knowledge and best practices.
4. Explore potential collaborations and partnerships to support their business objectives.
5. Access debt capital to finance their growth by connecting with potential investors and diversifying their funding sources.

Selected SMEs will have access to the platform for up to three key figures within their organization, such as the founder, finance manager, and strategy manager. The capacity building platform is also open to young university graduates and entrepreneurs who want to boost their academic journey and strengthen their entrepreneurial skills.

When selecting SMEs, the program will consider factors such as business size, growth and profitability, sector and geographical footprint, impact on diversity, social safeguards, and ESG, as well as fit with program objectives and support needed. Young university graduates and entrepreneurs can apply directly to access the platform without undergoing the full selection process.

Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis until June 30, 2024. For more information about the Archipelagos Program, please visit If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact [email protected].

For details Visit the Official Webpage of the Archipelagos capacity building Program 2024

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