Now Open: African Change Narrative Storytellers’ Fellowship for early career journalists/broadcasters

The Africa Foundation for Young Media Professionals is inviting early career journalists and broadcasters from across Africa to apply for the African Change Narrative Storytellers’ Fellowship. The goal is to cultivate a new generation of journalists, storytellers, and content writers who are equipped to challenge the negative media stereotypes that have been perpetuated by Western media, which portray Africa as a continent plagued by corruption, war, famine, and hopelessness. Africa has many positive and valuable stories of impact, and African journalists must take the lead in promoting these stories to counteract the negative stereotypes.

With the support of Africa No Filter, this fellowship will empower and train young, enthusiastic journalists to tell African stories in their originality and in a positive light through their stories, news reports, and content.


  • To be eligible, applicants must be early career journalists or broadcasters based in Africa,
  • complete a 3-hour course on the guide to telling African stories,
  • and provide evidence of completion via email.
  • They must also be available for virtual training and mentoring sessions and commit to writing two change narrative stories about Africans making a difference.
  • Applicants must also obtain a letter of commitment from their editor or producer acknowledging their participation in the fellowship and allowing their stories to be used in their media houses.


  • Selected fellows will receive a certificate of completion,
  • a grant for story writing (amount to be disclosed),
  • and the opportunity to network and build professional relationships with other journalists and broadcasters from across Africa.


  • The fellowship will have two cohorts running concurrently:
  • the West and Central Africa Cohort, comprising participants from West Africa,
  • and the East, Northern, and Southern Africa Cohort, including applicants from those regions only.

For program details and to submit an application, visit the program website  Deadline: December 5, 2023

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