Apply now for the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Fellowship Programme

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Fellowship Programme – SCAR –  was established by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) in 2002 to promote the active participation of early-career researchers in Antarctic scientific research and to enhance international collaboration in this field.

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Fellowship Programme – SCAR aims to engage early-career researchers in advancing our knowledge of Antarctica by providing opportunities to work with project teams from other countries. This collaboration often leads to long-lasting partnerships that span multiple Antarctic research seasons.

Eligibility: Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Fellowship Programme – SCAR

– PhD students or those who have completed a PhD within the last five years
– Research to be conducted at major international laboratories, field facilities, or institutes in Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Fellowship Programme – SCAR  member countries
– Research must be carried out in a different Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Fellowship Programme – SCAR member country than the applicant’s origin and current residence

Award Details: Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Fellowship Programme – SCAR

– Home institute covers in-home country costs (e.g., visa fees, domestic travel)
– 4-5 awards available for 2024
– Each award grants up to USD $15,000
– Host institute waives bench fees, if applicable

APPLICATION – Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Fellowship Programme – SCAR

  1. For DETAILS visit the official website of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Fellowship Programme – SCAR.
  2. Deadline:  9 September 2024

OPPORTUNITIES FROM Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Fellowship Programme – SCAR’S PARTNERS

SCAR has been working for many years with the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP) ​and the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) to support talented early-career researchers, engineers, environmental managers, and other professionals to strengthen international capacity and cooperation in fields such as science support and facilitation, environmental management implementation, and climate, biodiversity, conservation, humanities and astrophysics research by way of an annual funding opportunity. In 2019, these Antarctic organisations were joined by the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO), who support additional Antarctic-related fellowships.​

Our partner organization, COMNAP, launched their fellowship scheme in 2011. From time to time, there are projects that overlap both of our organizations’ fellowship scheme goals and we have been able to jointly award fellowships, with four joint SCAR-COMNAP Fellowships awarded since 2012.

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