Apply now for the GreSFET Competitions

The The Greater South Fair for Endogenous Technologies (GreSFET Competitions) encourage innovators to present their pioneering technologies capable of transforming communities in the Global South. Participate in this dynamic competition aimed at fostering positive change and showcasing your inventive solutions to a worldwide audience.

Benefits – GreSFET Competitions

– Showcase Innovations: Display your pioneering technologies to a global audience and potential collaborators.

– Solve Local Problems: Demonstrate how your solutions effectively tackle local challenges in a sustainable way.

– Networking Opportunities: Engage with fellow innovators, industry leaders, and policymakers from across the globe.

– Visibility and Impact: Achieve recognition and support for your innovations at a distinguished international event.

– Travel and Accommodation: Expenses for travel and lodging will be covered for selected innovators and technology developers.

Requirements – GreSFET

– Wide Usability and High Social Impact: Your technology should be versatile across various sectors and possess the potential to significantly enhance lives.

– Sustainability: It must integrate sustainable practices and principles, ensuring long-term advantages and minimal environmental impact.

– Address Local Challenges: The technology should effectively confront urgent issues and local challenges encountered by communities in the Global South.

Competition Types

1. Endogenous Technologies

Showcase your technology that transforms communities in the Global South. It should be usable, impactful, sustainable, and address local challenges. Join us to drive positive change globally.

2. Business Idea

Are you an entrepreneur with a groundbreaking business idea? Showcase your innovative solutions at GreSFET 2024 and join us in driving socio-economic transformation in the Global South.

3. Hackathon

Make a real difference: Design sustainable, scalable solutions that empower communities and improve lives. This is your chance to drive positive change in the Global South. Join the challenge!


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