Apply for The Youth Adaptation Solutions Challenge (YouthADAPT Challenge)

The Youth Adaptation Solutions Challenge (YouthADAPT Challenge) is an annual competition and awards program for youth-led enterprises (50% women-led) jointly organised by the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA), the African Development Bank (AfDB) and Climate Investment Funds (CIF) as part of the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program YouthADAPT Flagship Program. This challenge seeks to boost sustainable job creation through support for entrepreneurship and youth-led innovation in climate change adaptation and resilience across Africa.

What you will be awarded?

In this edition of the challenge, 20 innovators will emerge as winners at an award show and will have access to post-award support in the forms of:-

 100,000 USD grant for each winner

 Capacity Building and Training

 Mentorship and Coaching

Who can apply?

 Youth-led, with applicants aged between 18 and 35

 Delivering climate adaptation or resilience solutions addressing real-life challenges

 Legally registered and operating in Africa

 Able to show revenues for at least two years

What are we looking for?

The YouthADAPT Challenge is open to solutions (products, services, tools) targeted at climate change adaptation and increasing resilience. Admissible solutions can represent:

 An adaptation solutions business that has not been scaled and is not in widespread use

 An existing resilience and adaptation solutions business or product

 A commercially viable means to raise awareness or scale uptake of specific adaptation solutions.

How to apply

Apply here and follow the instructions Deadline The application closes on the 4th of October 2022.

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