Apply for the Impact Toolbox Youth In Development Fellowship (Up to $2500 funding)

If you have a burning desire to make a positive impact in your community and are ready to embark on an exciting journey of social change, then the Youth in Development Fellowship is the perfect opportunity for you. This fellowship offers top-notch training from global experts, immersive workshops, valuable mentorship, and exclusive networking events. It aims to unlock your inner entrepreneur and equip you with the necessary tools to lead a sustainable social transformation. By joining this fellowship, you’ll be following in the footsteps of previous YID Fellows who have gone on to create impactful social enterprises, forge successful careers in the social sector, and bring about positive change in their communities.

Are you eligible? Here are the criteria:

– A demonstrated interest in starting a social enterprise and pursuing a career in the social sector
– A compelling idea or initiative for social change
– A strong passion for and innovative ideas about social change
– Age between 19 and 35 at the time of application
– Proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking English
– Open to applicants from any part of the world
– Availability to fully participate in all fellowship activities.

We will be accepting and reviewing applications until January 31, 2024. Although the application process is simple, it requires careful consideration and storytelling about the problem you want to solve and your vision. We will select successful applicants based on their passion and dedication to making a significant social impact.

All applicants will have the opportunity to take our Impact Strategy Course, which will help them answer the application questions effectively. The selection committee will thoroughly evaluate all applications and announce their decisions by February 27.

The profiles of the chosen fellows will be showcased on Impact Toolbox’s website and shared widely within our network. To assist you in accurately answering the application questions, you can take our social impact strategy course. Simply use the coupon code YIDApplication to access the course for free.

Fellowship Journey

  • Application & Announcement
  • Social Entreprise Development Course
  • Youth In Development Boot Camps
  • Venture Development Prize

Our Venture Development Prize provides financial support without requiring equity, with amounts ranging from $500 to $2500. This prize is specifically created to empower outstanding Youth in Development Fellows, giving them the resources they need to progress their projects and products. Fellows are expected to present a clear and detailed plan for generating revenue, a dedication to addressing societal problems, innovation, and the potential for making a significant social impact.

For more details and to apply visit the official program website

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