Apply for the 2024 AVITI for Agrigenomics Accelerator Grant

Submit a proposal for the 2024 AVITI for Agrigenomics Accelerator Grant, sponsored by Element Biosciences and Daicel Arbor Biosciences, to accelerate your breeding, genome engineering, host-pathogen, or basic research project. This grant offers sequencing services that will greatly enhance your plant or animal science endeavors.


  • With this grant, you will receive up to 48 library preps from samples that meet Daicel Arbor Biosciences’ ‘Standard DNA’ project requirements.
  • These library preps will provide you with the necessary foundation for your research. Additionally, you have the option to enrich your samples with a myBaits Expert or myBaits Community predesigned panel, further enhancing the specificity and depth of your sequencing data.
  • To ensure comprehensive sequencing coverage, you will also receive up to two 2 x 150 high-output sequencing flow cells. This will enable you to generate a substantial amount of high-quality sequencing data, allowing for a more thorough analysis of your samples.
  • Furthermore, Arbor offers additional services such as DNA extraction or processing of samples, which can be made available to you on a basis.
  • These supplementary services can further streamline your research process and provide you with comprehensive support.
  • By utilizing the 2024 AVITI for Agrigenomics Accelerator Grant, you will have access to cutting-edge sequencing technologies and services that will significantly accelerate your research project.
  • This grant will empower you to delve deeper into the intricacies of breeding, genome engineering, host-pathogen interactions, or basic research in plant or animal science.
  • Take advantage of this opportunity to propel your scientific endeavors forward and make significant contributions to the field.
  • To apply visit the grant website
  • Application dates: January 12–February 23, 2024

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