Apply for Internet Society’s Early Career Fellowship

The Early Career Fellowship provides an exceptional opportunity for aspiring professionals to gain access to renowned experts, such as Professor Dr. Laura DeNardis from American University and distinguished scholars from the Oxford Internet Institute. In addition, the fellowship offers valuable knowledge in project management, advocacy, and diplomacy, laying the groundwork for fellows to become future advocates of the Internet.

Once a year, a group of 15 fellows is carefully selected to participate in the 5-month program. Through seminars, events, courses, discussions, and project work, fellows can enhance their skills and expand their knowledge. They will also have the chance to network, receive mentoring, and collaborate with others in the field. The program concludes with a closing symposium where each fellow presents their final project.


Who is eligible to apply for this fellowship? Early career professionals who are actively involved in the Internet ecosystem, whether in a technical, policy, economic, or social capacity, and who have initiated or are interested in projects aimed at the growth or strengthening of the Internet.

Applicants with the following qualifications are encouraged to apply:

– Possession of an undergraduate or vocational degree, or a minimum of three years of work experience in an Internet-related field.
– Less than ten years of working experience in an Internet-related field.
– An innovative and impactful project proposal focused on the growth and/or strengthening of the Internet.
– Access to a reliable broadband Internet connection and necessary devices.
– Availability to fully participate in the 5-month program.
– Proficiency in both spoken and written English.

  • To apply for the fellowship, interested individuals must complete the application process as outlined.
  • Applicants are required to dedicate at least six hours per week to coursework, seminars, individual project work, and other program activities.
  • They must also successfully complete the mandatory five-month duration of the program.
  • Additionally, it is essential for applicants to attend all the required seminars or sessions and effectively manage any time zone differences.

How to become a fellow

  • To become a Fellow, candidates must fill out the Online Application Form.
  • The selection committee conducts a thorough and confidential evaluation of all application submissions through a multi-step process.
  • The committee strives to ensure a balanced representation of professionals from various geographical locations and genders in the final selection.

To apply

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