Applications open for the MacArthur Foundation 100&Change Grant Competition (Up to $100Million Grant)

Grants provided by foundations often fall short in solving certain problems. However, by funding at an exceptionally high level, we can tackle issues and support solutions that are vastly different in terms of scale, scope, and complexity. A sum of $100 million is substantial enough to concentrate on a critical problem and its solution in a meaningful and long-lasting manner. Our aim with the MacArthur Foundation 100&Change Grant Competition is to spark discussions about solutions and how we can effectively address some of the most pressing challenges we face.

In contrast to the Foundation’s Big Bets, which aim for transformative impact in specific areas identified by the Board and Staff, 100&Change is designed to be impartial towards any particular field or problem area.

We are looking for proposals that clearly outline both a problem and its solution. Competitive proposals will tackle a significant problem and offer a solution that is impactful, evidence-based, feasible, durable, and equitable.

Selection: MacArthur Foundation 100&Change Grant Competition

We have developed a selection process that is impartial, transparent, and equitable. After the application period concludes, our team at Lever for Change will carefully review each submission for the #100&Change grant to ensure that it meets all the necessary requirements and guidelines. During the participatory review process, applicants within the same field will evaluate and provide feedback on each other’s proposals based on our established criteria.

Our esteemed Wise Head Panel, consisting of external judges, will then assess and score the submissions using the same criteria and scoring rubric. Following this, MacArthur’s Board of Directors will select a maximum of five finalists. These finalists will collaborate with a team of experts over the next few months to strengthen their proposals, present a preliminary plan for monitoring and evaluation, demonstrate genuine engagement with relevant communities, and submit revised project plans. Ultimately, the final recipient of the grant will be chosen by MacArthur’s Board.

Criteria: MacArthur Foundation 100&Change Grant Competition

Impactful: Does the proposal outline a pressing issue that warrants attention and will the proposed solution bring about significant change? Is the proposal ambitious enough in terms of its progress towards a solution, the number of communities it will serve, the geographical area it will cover, or the impact it will have on a vulnerable population or region?

Evidence-based: Does the proposal provide evidence that the solution or its key components have previously yielded practical and tangible results? Does the evidence indicate that the solution can be adapted to different contexts, such as reaching new populations or expanding to other geographical areas, while still maintaining its effectiveness?

Feasible: Does the team possess the necessary skills, capacity, relationships, and experience to successfully implement the proposal? Do the budget and plans reflect a realistic understanding of what is required for successful execution? Does the mitigation plan address potential changes in key personnel and the political, market, or social landscape? Is community input integrated throughout the design, implementation, and evaluation processes?

Durable: Will the proposed solution have a lasting impact? Does it aim to solve the problem within a five-year timeframe or establish a pathway towards its resolution over time? Will the project attract support from other sources, be it private, philanthropic, or public? Has the team articulated a clear, logical, and compelling vision for the future?

Just: Has the team demonstrated a commitment to fairness, inclusivity, and accessibility in the conceptualization and design of the solution, as well as in its staffing and operations? Will the solution benefit different populations equitably, particularly those who have historically been marginalized or those with the most pressing needs, both human and nonhuman?

Timeline: MacArthur Foundation 100&Change Grant Competition

  1. Proposals Due – September 2024
  2. Administrative & Participatory Review – September – October 2024
  3. Wise Head Review – October – November 2024
  4. Finalists Selected – January – March 2025
  5. Finalists Announced – Spring 2025
  6. Project Development – Summer – Fall 2025
  7. Award Recipient Announced – Winter 2025

Application: MacArthur Foundation 100&Change Grant Competition

  1. To apply visit the official website
  2. Deadline August 15, 2024
  3. Interested organizations must register to apply before 5 p.m. U.S. Central Time on Thursday, August 15, 2024. Complete applications are due before 5 p.m. U.S. Central Time on Thursday, September 5, 2024.

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