Applications open for the Grist climate fiction writing story contest

Applications are currently being accepted for the Grist climate fiction writing story contest. Grist is thrilled to announce the opening of submissions for the fourth year of our Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors short story contest. Imagine 2200 is an opportunity for writers from around the world to envision a future where solutions to the climate crisis thrive and bring about significant improvements to our world.

The concept behind Imagine 2200

  • Imagine 2200 celebrates stories that imagine the progress we can make in the coming decades and centuries towards a more equitable climate.
  • We are seeking stories that are grounded in creative climate solutions and community-centered resilience, showcasing the potential outcomes as these solutions take hold.
  • We are also interested in stories that captivate readers with compelling plots, well-developed characters, and vivid settings, bringing that future to life.
  • In 2,500 to 5,000 words, share with us the world you envision building.

Prizes: Grist climate fiction writing story contest: Grist climate fiction writing story contest

The winning writer will receive a prize of $3,000. The second and third-place winners will be awarded $2,000 and $1,000, respectively. Additionally, nine finalists will each receive $300. All winners and finalists will have their stories published in an immersive collection on Grist’s website.

Preparing your story file:

  • Please upload your short story as a word document (.doc is acceptable, but .docx is preferred).
  • Name your word document as follows: [Title of Your Story] – [YEAR]; for example, “Story Title – 2024”.
  • Ensure that your document does not contain any personal identifying information, including your name.
  • The first page of your document should include the title of your story and the word count at the top, using Arial 14-point font.
  • The remainder of your document should be in Arial 12-point font with double line spacing and at least one-inch margins.
  • Every page of your document should have a header in the upper right-hand corner, displaying the correct sequential page number starting from page 1, along with the title of your story.

Application for the Grist climate fiction writing story contest


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