Applications open for GENEVA CHALLENGE 2024 – Advancing Development Goals International Contest for Graduate Students (25,000 CHF Prizes & Funded to Geneva))

Applications are currently being accepted for the 2024 Geneva Challenge. The 2024 Advancing Development Goals International Contest for Graduate Students seeks to present creative and practical solutions to address the obstacles faced in empowering youth.

With the generous support of Ambassador Jenö Staehelin, the Graduate Institute initiated the Advancing Development Goals Contest in 2014. This annual global competition for Master’s students aims to foster critical thinking and innovation in the field of development, drawing on diverse disciplinary and contextual perspectives.

Each year, participants are encouraged to contribute theoretically sound and pragmatic solutions to a specific international development issue. These proposals are the result of collaborative efforts between three to five enrolled Master’s students from any part of the world.

In the upcoming edition, we will award five prizes, one for each continent. The five finalist teams will be invited to Geneva in November 2024 to showcase their projects and attend the award ceremony. The prizes will be distributed across the following categories, based on the UN Statistics list:

1. Universities located in Africa
2. Universities located in Asia
3. Universities located in Europe
4. Universities located in North America and Oceania
5. Universities located in Latin America

The ASC will publish and promote all shortlisted submissions on the Geneva Challenge website, with the teams’ consent, providing visibility to their work. Additionally, all members of the five finalist teams will have the opportunity to present their proposals and respond to questions from the Jury and the public during an oral presentation in Geneva.

Geneva Challenge Prizes

  • The awards ceremony, preceded by a keynote speech on The Challenges of Youth Empowerment, will also be attended by the finalists.
  • The contest organizers will cover travel expenses, including flights, visa requests, and accommodation, for the purpose of attending these events.
  • The victorious project will be awarded a monetary prize of CHF 10,000 (ten thousand Swiss Francs).
  • The two teams in the runner-up position will each receive CHF 5,000. The two teams in third place will each receive CHF 2,500.

Geneva Challenge Application

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