Applications now open for the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition by Stiftung Entrepreneurship

The Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition (CEC) is dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs, particularly the youth, to contribute towards a more peaceful and sustainable world. Entrants are called upon to present their innovative ideas and impactful projects, committing to one or more of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and taking action to implement them. These goals tackle the most pressing social, economic, environmental, and health challenges of our era. Submissions are categorized as either ideas or projects, and aspiring entrepreneurs as young as 13 years old are encouraged to participate in the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition CEC.

The Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition CEC unfolds in three stages. In the initial phase, participants submit their idea or project along with a brief pitch. Those meeting the competition’s criteria proceed to complete courses and refine their Entrepreneurial Design using a specialized Entrepreneurial Design Canvas (EDC). Upon finishing the courses, entrants submit their finalized EDC for the second phase. Here, all ideas and projects are showcased for voting, with the top 10 submissions advancing to the final phase. An expert panel will then select the winners, who will be revealed during the online Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition CEC award ceremony.

Our Entrepreneurship Campus boasts members from 141 countries, fostering global discussions and idea-sharing among participants via the Internet. The Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition CEC has been a yearly event since 2014.

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The Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition will run from June 1st to August 31st 2024!

Participation in the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition and the use of all campus materials is completely for free. By registering on the Entrepreneurship Campus, you automatically agree to our Community Guidelines, so read them in advance.


Step 1
Sign up online and create your account or log in. After that, you will receive a confirmation email to activate your account. Then, you will need to complete a brief registration process where you can provide detailed information about yourself. If you don’t see the email, make sure to check your spam folder.

Note: The Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition CEC will be conducted in English, so only submissions in English will be considered.

Step 2
In order to take part in the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition CEC, you need to submit an idea or project that addresses one of the 17 UN SDGs. You can create your idea or project under “My Ideas/Projects” in your dashboard.

First, present your idea or project in a short pitch and submit it through the “My Idea/Project” dashboard. Please remember to categorize your submission correctly as either an idea or a project. If you mix them up, we won’t be able to consider your submission.

We (Stiftung Entrepreneurship) will then assess whether your idea/project meets the competition criteria. If you are accepted, you will have approximately 2 months to work on your idea/project.

To take part in the voting phase of the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition CEC, you must have completed both courses (“Brains versus Capital” & “Sustainable Entrepreneurship”) and filled out the Entrepreneurial Design Canvas (EDC) entirely by 31 July 2024 before your idea/project can participate in the voting phase. (Fyi: You can also submit your idea/project for voting before the start of the voting phase. However, the idea/project will only become publicly visible after the start of the voting phase.)

You are welcome to share your idea/project with either just your campus friends or the entire campus community before the voting phase. Feedback from other campus members may help you to develop your idea/project. Your ideas and projects will not be visible to non-registered users.

The deadline to submit an idea/project is 31 July 2024. Please keep in mind that there may not be enough time to review your submission and meet all Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition CEC participation requirements.


Overseas education and Admission - Exced
Overseas education and Admission – Exced

1. Step 3

Once you have successfully completed both courses and the EDC before the voting begins, and you have submitted your idea or project for consideration, it will enter the voting phase and be automatically showcased on the public entrepreneurship website. This exposure allows non-registered users to view and vote on your idea or project.

Ensure that your idea or project page is thoroughly presented and complete by this time, as this will enhance your chances of garnering votes.

The voting period runs from August 1 to August 31, 2023.

Throughout this timeframe, campus members and other users can cast their votes for various ideas and projects. The top 10 ideas and projects with the highest number of votes will advance to the finals, where they will be assessed by our expert jury. The judges will determine the rankings and winners based on a questionnaire that evaluates entrepreneurial vision, feasibility, innovation, leadership, social impact, and sustainability.

Timeline –  Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition CEC

June 01, 2024
The Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition kicks off today.

You can now pitch your idea/project on the dashboard under “My idea/project”.

July 31, 2024
Deadline for submissions. Make sure to finish the Brains versus Capital & Sustainable Entrepreneurship courses and the Entrepreneurial Design Canvas (EDC) by today.

Remember, time is limited for us to review your pitch and for you to meet the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition CEC requirements.

August 01, 2024
Voting Phase begins.

Projects that have completed both courses and the EDC will automatically enter the Voting Phase and be showcased on our website.

August 31, 2024
Voting Phase ends.

You have until midnight to gather votes. After that, voting closes and we will announce the finalists soon.

September 2024
Evaluation and winners announcement.

The top 10 submissions with the most votes will proceed to the final round. Our judges will assess based on various criteria and select the winners. Winners will be revealed on our blog.

Remember, using pictures and videos (up to 3 minutes) can help explain your idea/project better and increase your chances of winning.

If you’re not submitting an idea/project, you can still join the Entrepreneurship Campus to connect, share, and provide feedback on other ideas and projects.

Join now

Idea vs. Project
Entries must propose an innovative business solution related to the Sustainable Development Goals. It can be in the planning or start-up phase, but should not be an established business yet.

All submissions must showcase innovative projects implemented by established businesses operating as companies, NGOs, or informal programs.

Status of your project/idea
You can monitor the progress of your submission at any point on the dashboard under “My idea/project” for the specific project/idea. You are welcome to submit multiple ideas and projects.

Please be aware: If there are still inquiries regarding your initial pitch in step 1, you have the opportunity to revise and resubmit your pitch. Unfortunately, rejected submissions will not qualify for participation in Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition CEC 2023. A resubmission would only be considered for the following Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition CEC.

Application –

For details visit the official website

Deadline is August 31, 2024

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