Applications now open for the African Leadership Institute Archbishop Tutu Fellowship Programme

Applications are currently being accepted for the 2025 African Leadership Institute Archbishop Tutu Fellowship Programme. This programme serves as the flagship initiative of the Institute, known as the Archbishop Tutu Leadership Fellowship Programme (ATLP). Annually, approximately 25 exceptional individuals from various regions of Africa are selected for this esteemed fellowship through a thorough and competitive selection process.

The awards are intended for the most promising future leaders of the continent, as evidenced by the stringent selection criteria outlined below, specifically aimed at identifying the next generation of leaders in all sectors of society, aged between 30 and 40.

The African Leadership Institute Archbishop Tutu Leadership Programme offers a comprehensive leadership learning experience, emphasizing African leadership within a global framework. This part-time programme spans five months and is conducted in collaboration with the Said Business School at Oxford University.

The distinguished faculty and guest speakers are sourced from both Africa and beyond, and the curriculum includes modules delivered in Africa as well as at Oxford, reflecting the dual African and global perspectives that future African leaders will need to navigate. Over the past thirteen years since its establishment, the African Leadership Institute Archbishop Tutu Leadership Programme has positioned itself as one of the premier leadership programmes tailored specifically for high-potential African leaders within the 30-40 age demographic.

Requirements – African Leadership Institute Archbishop Tutu Fellowship Programme

  1. The African Leadership Institute Archbishop Tutu Leadership Programme (ATLP) is established as a distinguished and highly selective initiative.
  2. The Fellowships are restricted to a maximum of fewer than 20 participants, who will be chosen by selection panels from the pool of nominated individuals across Africa.
  3. The chosen candidates will participate in workshops held in South Africa and Oxford, UK, and it is essential that they are available for the entire duration of both workshops.
  4. Additionally, they should be willing to allocate time outside of regular working hours to complete tasks assigned between the two workshops.
  5. The African Leadership Institute Archbishop Tutu Leadership Programme will also include candidates nominated by the sponsors.

Selection Criteria – African Leadership Institute Archbishop Tutu Fellowship Programme

Ideal candidates for the African Leadership Institute Archbishop Tutu Leadership Programme (ATLP) are individuals who, through their actions, accomplishments, and the ethical values they uphold, have shown their potential as leaders dedicated to fostering positive change and development across the continent. Candidates should be between the ages of 30 and 40, specifically older than 30 and younger than 40 as of 30 April 2025. Applicants may originate from any sector, including business, government, or civil society. Those nominated and selected for the African Leadership Institute Archbishop Tutu Leadership Programme should exhibit a range of the following attributes:

  1. The capacity to motivate others to have faith in themselves and their mission; to liberate and empower individuals to achieve success.
  2. Dedicated to prioritizing the needs of their constituents (stakeholders/cause) and community over personal gratification.
  3. Exhibits confidence, optimism, and maintains elevated expectations and energy levels.
  4. Possesses the courage to embrace risks—ready to face failure; willing to question established norms; engages in actions that may not be widely accepted.
  5. Demonstrates determination and a robust professional resolve.
  6. Upholds high values, standards, and ethical principles.
  7. Exhibits humility—selected to lead rather than assuming leadership through self-appointment.
  8. Possesses a visionary, strategic, and forward-looking mindset—committed to fostering a better future.
  9. Functions as a systemic thinker—capable of assimilating, simplifying, and directing complex interrelated dynamics to gain an advantage.
  10. Displays empathy and excels in building strong relationships.

Application – African Leadership Institute Archbishop Tutu Fellowship Programme

  1. For details visit the Official Webpage of the African Leadership Institute (AFLI) Archbishop Tutu Fellowship Programme
  2. Deadline is September 6, 2024

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