Women Techsters Bootcamp Cohort 3.Now Accepting Application

The Women Techsters Bootcamp aims to offer suitable learning opportunities for participants to acquire relevant coding skills, kickstart their careers, or bridge knowledge gaps in emerging technologies. This program is a 3-week introductory class designed for girls and women aged between 16 to 40 years. It covers five learning tracks, namely Cybersecurity, Data Analysis, Product Design, Product Management, and Software Development.


Please note that this application is open to women residing in Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, DR Congo, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Algeria, South Sudan, Morocco, Angola, Ghana, Mozambique, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Liberia, Gambia, Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.


  • During the selection process, all successful applicants will be required to have an active Microsoft Outlook email account.
  • If you don’t have one, you can create a new account by visiting account.microsoft.com, selecting Sign in, and then choosing Create one.
  • Please avoid clicking on “use a phone number or get new email address.” Only functional Outlook addresses will be accepted for entry into the learning channel during the second stage of the process.
  • To apply for the Women Techsters Bootcamp, you will need to complete a basic digital literacy assessment, which can be found in the next section of this form.

To apply

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