USAID Collaborating, Learning and Adapting Case Competition is Now Open

The 2024 USAID Collaborating, Learning and Adapting Case Competition marks a decade of continuous learning for enhanced development outcomes. This significant event is currently accepting submissions until Friday, July 26, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. EDT. Participation is open to all individuals and organizations collaborating with USAID. The competition showcases real-life instances of strategic collaboration, continuous learning, and adaptive management from USAID staff and partners.

For more information on submitting a case and receiving guidance on crafting a compelling case, join one of the upcoming CLA Case Competition Launch Webinars on Monday, June 17th, 2024, at 7:30 a.m. EDT (Zoom link) and on Thursday, June 20th, 2024, at 10:00 p.m. EDT ((Zoom link)).

USAID Collaborating, Learning and Adapting Case Competition Guidelines

The cases presented in the CLA Case Competition contribute to the advancement of CLA approaches in various development settings for USAID and its partners. As you engage in discussions with your teams, consider the following:

– Do you take time to reflect on your activities as a team?
– Are you fostering a culture of learning within your organization, including aspects of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA)?
– Have you adjusted your implementation strategies based on evaluation results or performance monitoring data?
– Are you utilizing CLA methodologies to address challenges outlined in the Agency Learning Agenda?

This competition is not seeking conventional success stories; rather, we are interested in hearing about your successes, struggles, and lessons learned. Whether it’s a major achievement or a small practice that significantly impacted your work, we want to know. Ultimately, the Case Competition aids in understanding the effectiveness of CLA implementation.

Your team’s case submission will demonstrate the innovative and expert solutions you have developed, contributing to the advancement of strategic collaboration, continuous learning, and adaptive management. All eligible cases will be showcased on USAID Learning Lab and will receive recognition in the Learning Matters newsletter and on X and  LinkedIn. This friendly competition has significantly expanded the  the CLA case library on Learning Lab, which now includes over 600 cases, over the past decade.

Eligibility for the USAID Collaborating, Learning and Adapting Case Competition

1. The 10-Year Anniversary CLA Case Competition is now accepting submissions from all USAID staff and partners across various organizations worldwide. The competition is open to charitable organizations, private companies, and public entities collaborating with USAID. It is important to note that while the specific project does not have to be funded by USAID, there must be a clear connection to USAID in some capacity.

2. To participate in the Case Competition, entrants must complete the 2024 Case Submission form, the Basic Data webform, and provide an original photo related to their case submission. For more details, please visit the Submit Your Case page. The submission portal, including the Case Submission form and Basic Data webform, will be accessible starting June 17th when the competition officially begins.

3. All cases must follow a collaborating, learning, and adapting approach and have a connection to USAID. While the project does not have to be financially supported by USAID, there should be a clear link to USAID through collaboration, partnership, or an implementing partner’s internal CLA-related initiatives that impact their work with USAID.

4. Submissions must be in English and must be received before the Case Competition deadline on Friday, July 26th, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. EDT.

Judging criteria for USAID Collaborating, Learning and Adapting Case Competition will be based on the following factors.

A group of judges from USAID will evaluate the entries. We are seeking cases that meet the following criteria:

1. They are intentional, systematic, and adequately resourced – CLA does not occur by chance; it requires careful planning and budgeting. Make sure to describe the decision-making processes behind your CLA approach.

2. They are holistic, encompassing multiple subcomponents within the CLA framework – The most robust CLA cases involve both the Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting components on the left side of the CLA framework, as well as the enabling conditions on the right side (Culture, Processes, and Resources).

3. They have a lasting impact on your organization and its work – If you choose to write about a conference or a one-off event, strengthen your case by explaining how the learning and relationship-building continued beyond the event.

4. They have the potential to be replicated by others – Describe your CLA approach in a way that someone facing a similar development or organizational challenge could replicate it.

5. They demonstrate clarity of expression and storytelling – This includes using proper punctuation and grammar.

6. They clearly align with the CLA components and subcomponents – Make reference to the specific subcomponents of the CLA Framework in your narrative.

To see examples of how others have applied a CLA approach, you can explore our collection of CLA Case Competition submissions.

Winning cases will receive recognition in the following ways:

– All eligible cases will be published on USAID Learning Lab.
– They may be featured in our Learning Matters newsletter.
– They may be highlighted in email blasts and on Learning Lab’s X and LinkedIn accounts.

Application for the USAID Collaborating, Learning and Adapting Case Competition

  1. Please proceed with the submission of your case for the Case Competition by following these steps:
  2. Step 1: Fill out the 2024 Case Submission Form by downloading the fillable PDF in Adobe Acrobat. Ensure to follow the instructions provided on the form and save your changes before submission.
  3. Step 2: Obtain a high-resolution, original photo relevant to your case, which will be uploaded in Step 3.
  4. Step 3: Fill out the 2024 Submission Google Form, ensuring that you upload the high-resolution photo from Step 2 along with a photo caption and credit. This photo should be directly related to your case submission.
  5. Lastly, upload your completed 2024 Case Submission Form to the Submission Google Form and submit your entry. Remember that only one submission per email address is allowed on the Google survey.
  6. For any assistance with the submission process, please contact [email protected].
  7. Case Competition closes: Friday, July 26, 2024, 5:00 p.m

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