UNICEF GenU Strategic Partnership Coordinator

UNICEF in coordination with other UN agencies and the Government, will launch the GenU initiative in Angola in November 2022, as a strategy to address the plight of Angola’s young population, which represents nearly two-thirds of the population. Angola’s demographic dividend is not being harnessed. It is constrained by rapid population growth, a high fertility rate (6.2 children per woman), a high dependency ratio (for every 100 Angolans aged 15-24, there are an estimated 97.7 dependents) and the consequent challenges of ensuring access to quality education and employment generation for young people. Currently UNICEF and UNDP are collaborating around the GenU priorities in Angola and have the ambition to consolidate and expand this initiative by engaging leading champions from the private sector, government, financial institutions, multilateral and civil society organizations, and youth associations. The goal is for UNICEF and UNDP, through partnerships with the private sector, is to increase opportunities for youth employment and entrepreneurship, skills and digital learning, youth participation and engagement.

GenU is a timely initiative as it can influence national public policies to prioritize the young people’s agenda through new digital transformation and youth empowerment. It is expected that the GenU multi-stakeholder partnership will guide the country in accelerating progress on learning, training and linkages to employment and entrepreneurship through a coordinated approach. This, coupled with ongoing youth engagement initiatives, will strengthen the participation of young people. Working relationships: The GenU Strategic Partnership Coordinator, under the supervision of the Chief of Education, and overall guidance of the Deputy Representative, will work closely with: • Internally with programme sections, particularly Education, Social Policy, WASH, Child Protection, Communications and Partnerships •

Partners from the government of Angola • UN Agencies and development partners • Private sector This work will be key to ensuring that UNICEF Angola plays a catalytic role in the successful roll out of and scaling-up of the GenU Angola initiative and achievement of its targets. This will be through supporting the development of multi-sectoral initiatives, tools and guidance. It will involve support to developing funding proposals and strengthening UNICEF Angola’s capacity to collaborate with partners on GenU related activities and interventions.

Task description

Within the delegated authority and under the supervision of Chief of Education or his/her designated mandated representative(s), and overall guidance of the Deputy Representative, the UN Volunteer GenU Strategic Partnership Coordinator will:

• Ensure that UNICEF Angola’s engagement in GenU initiative and related activities is well coordinated within and outside UNICEF, and that UNICEF progressively integrates GenU activities and strategies into office programmes.

• Support the preparatory activities and the launch of the GenU initiative in Angola, including the preparation of the action plan and the roadmap for its implementation in 2023.

• Liaise with other stakeholders active in GenU in Angola for coordination, lessons learned and good practices and ensure linkages/ knowledge exchange with regional and global stakeholders.

• Support the coordination and expansion of ongoing interventions in Angola that are relevant to the GenU initiative, namely: Landscape Analysis, Digital Skills and Employability Learning, U-Report, Global Volunteer Initiative, among others.

• Support the governance mechanism to be put in place for GenU in Angola. From its launching, to monitor implementation and progress of the GenU Angola strategic plan and ensure timely contribution from different partners and stakeholders on agreed components.

• Act as the key liaison between UNICEF Angola and the UN Adolescent and Youth agenda to better inform and mobilize the UN family to contribute to the Angola GenU strategy and targets.

• Systematically pursue GenU initiatives by establishing partnerships with relevant focal points, potential partners and mapping opportunities for UNICEF to engage. • Coordinate UNICEF Angola’s contribution to GenU with UNDP, the RCO and other aligned UN agencies; and identify opportunities to scale for youth on skills and employability.

• Coordinate with UNICEF Angola Communications, Advocacy and Partnerships (CAP) section to ensure that marketing and communication of GenU activities and progress is undertaken via media, social media and youth engagement

• In coordination with relevant UNICEF sections, support the development of a resource mobilization strategy and funding proposals to support adolescent and young person development including GenU interventions.

• Ensure regular progress reporting to the GenU Global Secretariat based in New York and coordination with the Regional Office with regard to knowledge sharing and integration of global good and best practices into the GenU Angola approach.

• Act as a focal point for GenU in UNICEF Angola and maintain internal and external networks for the initiative.

• Participate in relevant forums to promote the GenU Angola approach and support stakeholder engagement.

• Support GenU Angola’s national governance mechanism to develop the public-private-youth partnership, organizing co-creation meetings with GenU Angola partners

• Provide support to formalise partnerships, and organization of the GenU Angola Board, Steering Committee and Task Force meetings.

• Work closely with the Ministry of Youth, the National Youth Institute as well as youth organisations to support the creation and coordination of GenU Angola Youth Action Teams (AYATs). This may include support to the identification of young Angolan champions (influential young Angolans, including celebrities, philanthropists and young experts in the field) to participate in the co-creation of GenU Angola and to be part of the GenU Board, Steering Committee and Working Groups.

• Support efficient planning, monitoring and follow-up processes of the GenU initiative in Angola, involving the different relevant stakeholders.

• Develop GenU inputs to concept notes/proposals including youth trend analysis and projections to support partnerships and resource mobilization efforts

• Perform other related duties as guided by the direct Supervisor Furthermore, UN Volunteers are encouraged to integrate the UN Volunteers programme mandate within their assignment and promote voluntary action through engagement with communities in the course of their work. As such, UN Volunteers should dedicate a part of their working time to some of the following suggested activities:

• Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading relevant UNV and external publications and take active part in UNV activities (for instance in events that mark International Volunteer Day);

• Be acquainted with and build on traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism in the host country;

• Provide annual and end of assignment self- reports on UN Volunteer actions, results and opportunities.

• Contribute articles/write-ups on field experiences and submit them for UNV publications/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc.;

• Assist with the UNV Buddy Programme for newly-arrived UN Volunteers;

• Promote or advise local groups in the use of online volunteering, or encourage relevant local individuals and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering service whenever technically possible. Results/expected outputs As an active UNCEF team member, efficient, timely, responsive, client-friendly and high-quality support rendered to UNICEF and its beneficiaries in the accomplishment of her/his functions, including:

• Timely and accurate technical assistance is provided to UNICEF Angola to support the implementation of the GenU initiative in Angola and related activities.

• Evaluation and reporting in compliance with the established UNICEF standards, guidelines and procedures. • GenU-related activities are effectively promoted and are coherent and add value to programme management processes through results-based management in the country.

• Knowledge management through drafting/finalisation of key GenU documents and sharing of good practices, lessons learned and facilitation of knowledge/information exchange.

• Effective communication and networking at GenU related meetings is achieved through partnership and collaboration with other UN agencies, donors and NGOs. This will be achieved through exchanges of practical experiences, new conceptual developments, advocacy and sectoral leadership.

• A final statement of achievements towards volunteerism for development during the assignment, such as reporting on the number of volunteers mobilized, activities participated in, and capacities developed.

Eligibility criteria Age27 – 80. Nationality – Candidate must be a national of a country other than the country of assignment.


Required experience

3 years of experience in the UN or other international development organization, or private sector or national government • Experience working with initiatives related to youth, gender, diversity, community leadership and engagement, entrepreneurship, innovation and social, behavioural change is an asset • Strong interpersonal, communication, public speaking, presentation, writing, critical thinking and analytical skills • Previous experience in Africa is an asset. • Experience in working with teams • Previous work experience with UNICEF or other UN agency would be an advantage.

Area(s) of expertise Development programmes

For details and how to apply visit the official site

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