The World Press Photo Contest 2024 for Photographers Worldwide (€5,000 prize) is now open

The World Press Photo Contest is an annual event that recognizes and celebrates the best photojournalism and documentary photography from the past year. It is judged by an international independent jury.


  • The best part is that entering the contest is completely free!
  • If you win, your work will be included in our annual traveling exhibition, which is seen by over 4 million visitors in more than 80 cities worldwide.
  • Your photos will also be published on our website and social platforms, reaching over 2 million followers.
  • Additionally, you will be included in our yearbook.
  • As a winner, you will receive €1,000 for each of the 24 regional winners and an additional €5,000 for the four global winners.
  • You will also be invited to the Winners’ Program in Amsterdam and receive a physical award. And if you are one of the four global winners, you will even get a FUJIFILM GFX100 II camera with two lenses of your choice, two Li-ion batteries, and a dual battery charger. So mark your calendars!


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