Selar’s Undergraduate Tuition Fund for Final Year Students Calls for Entries

Selar’s Undergraduate Tuition Fund for Final Year Students objective with the Tuition Support Project is to provide financial assistance by covering a portion of the tuition fees for 50 senior students enrolled in any Tertiary Institution in Nigeria.

Selar’s Undergraduate Tuition Undergraduate Tuition Fund for Final Year Students Goal

To empower Nigerian students by providing N5,000,000 in tuition support to 50 final year students through our Tuition Fund project.

Our Objectivies

To support 50 final year students with NGN100,000 each.

To formally launch the Selar CSR Arm.

Selar’s Undergraduate Tuition Undergraduate Tuition Fund for Final Year Students Selection Criteria

Please note: Completing the application accurately and submitting all required documents largely influences the outcome of your application.

01. Must be a student living and studying in Nigeria

02. Must be a final year student enrolled in an accredited tertiary institution (public, select private, polytechnic)

03. A clear statement of purpose

04.CGPA of 3.0/Cumulative grade of 65% or higher with academic records as an attestation

05.M ust have a financial or economic

Selar’s Undergraduate Tuition Undergraduate Tuition Fund for Final Year Students Application

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