Request for Applications: HIV Cure-Related Research Program in Africa (up to $150,000 per applicant)

The Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) Global is currently accepting applications from research institutions located in Africa for the Competition titled ‘HIV Cure-Related Research in Africa’. This Competition is organized and administered by CRDF Global, on behalf of the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

Goals and Objectives

  • Through the implementation of grants under this Request for Applications, the following goals and objectives will be pursued:
  • – Provide support for HIV cure-related research in areas of Africa with a high prevalence of HIV.
  • – Expand the understanding of the persistence of non-subtype B HIV in individuals on antiretroviral therapy (ART) and the mechanisms of post-treatment control of viremia after stopping ART.


  • Applicants are encouraged to propose projects in the following areas, among others:
  • – Development and optimization of assays to measure the levels of full-length, intact HIV proviral DNA in individuals living with non-subtype B HIV, and to determine the proportion of intact, rebound-competent, and defective proviruses.
  • – Investigation of the virology of the rebound-competent persistent proviral HIV reservoir, including its establishment, tissue and cell type distribution, dynamics, and clonal proliferation of cells harboring HIV provirus.
  • – Studies on the innate and adaptive immune responses to HIV in individuals living with non-subtype B HIV on ART, and their relation to the rebound-competent viral reservoir. This includes examining the sensitivity of the intact reservoir to circulating autologous antibodies and existing T cell responses.
  • – Frequency and mechanism of post-treatment control in individuals living with non-subtype B HIV.

Funding Information
This funding opportunity will provide awards of up to $150,000 per applicant for direct costs over a period of one year.

September 3, 2024 – September 3, 2025

Eligibility Criteria

  • All applicants and proposals must meet the following eligibility criteria:
  • – Applicants must be affiliated with a research institution based in Africa, and awards will only be granted to African institutions.
  • – Proposals must include at least one Principal Investigator from an African institution.
  • – Collaborative projects involving investigators and institutions from other African sites are encouraged.
  • – Collaborative projects involving investigators and institutions from U.S. sites are also eligible, but a U.S. partner is not mandatory. U.S. institutions can request up to $25,000 USD of the total proposal budget.
  • – Proposals may involve up to three sites from different institutions as collaborative teams.
  • – Each applicant must submit one proposal.


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