Registration opens for the 2024 edition of Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum in Ghana

Registration is currently open for the 2024 Edition of the Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum (DRIF24), a global event that will bring together hundreds of delegates in Accra, Ghana, from April 23rd to April 25th, 2024.

This significant event will be organized by Paradigm Initiative (PIN), a pan-African organization, in collaboration with its partners, including the E-Governance and Internet Governance Foundation for Africa (EGIGFA), the University of Media, Arts and Communication- Institute of Journalism, the Media Foundation for West Africa, the Inclusive Tech Group, the Internet Society (ISOC) Ghana Chapter, and the Human Security Research Centre (HSRC). The event will take place at Alisa Hotel and will revolve around the theme of “Fostering Rights and Inclusion in the Digital Age.”

During the forum, various sub-themes will be explored, such as Trust and Accountability, Data Protection, Privacy and Surveillance, Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies, and Digital Inclusion and Marginalized Groups. This year’s event aims to attract a diverse range of stakeholders from the Global South, enabling them to share their experiences and develop strategies that transcend geographical boundaries.

Since its inception in 2013, PIN and its partners have successfully organized 10 editions of DRIF, with the upcoming 2024 edition being the 11th. The organization received an impressive 245 session proposals for DRIF 2024 and plans to host approximately 80 sessions, an increase from the previous year’s 70 sessions. The event will feature a combination of panel sessions, launches, tech demos, lightning talks, and exhibitions, covering various tracks related to digital rights, digital inclusion, and digital security.

Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum

Last year’s DRIF, held in Nairobi, Kenya, attracted 601 participants from 54 countries worldwide. The forum featured 70 sessions that delved into topics such as Internet shutdowns, the utilization of the Universal Service Fund (USF), data protection, content moderation, and censorship. Additionally, significant research, platforms, and networks were launched during the event.

Thobekile Matimbe, Senior Manager of Partnerships and Engagements at Paradigm Initiative, expressed excitement about the 2024 event and the registration process. Matimbe stated that they are anticipating vibrant, unique, engaging, and enriching sessions based on the high-quality proposals they have received. She emphasized the organization’s commitment to hosting a Global South convening and ensuring a diverse range of thematic areas. Matimbe added that they have no doubt that the DRIF Community will benefit greatly from the event.

The Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum serves as a crucial platform for shaping conversations on digital policy in Africa, debating policy directions, and fostering partnerships for action. Over the years, the forum has established itself as the go-to arena for discussing pressing global issues related to digital rights and inclusion. It welcomes perspectives from civil society, technology companies, government, academia, and other stakeholders. The upcoming edition will build upon the discussions held during the 10th edition, which focused on creating a sustainable Internet future that includes everyone. Registration is open until April 3rd, 2024, and can be done through this link:

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