Register for the NITDA sponsored Professional certifications from multinational tech companies and top-ranked US universities

NITDA has collaborated with Coursera for Cohort 3 of Coursera courses to provide learning scholarships that allow Nigerian citizens to acquire professional certifications from renowned multinational tech companies (such as Meta, Google, IBM) and top-ranked US universities. Mrs. Hadiza Umar, Head of Corporate Affairs and External Relations at NITDA, explained that this partnership allows selected learners to access top-notch educational content from renowned universities and industry leaders like Yale, Meta, Google, and IBM. Coursera will also assist the Nigerian government in enhancing the technical capabilities of the country’s youth and developing IT talent.

By collaborating with Coursera, Nigerian learners will have the opportunity to access Coursera’s Professional Certificates portfolio. This portfolio is specifically designed to empower learners to acquire the skills needed to pass industry certification exams or pursue careers in specific fields, such as IT support, within a three-month timeframe. Umar further highlighted that Coursera’s 32 Professional Certificates are tailored to facilitate entry into high-growth careers, including Data Analytics (Google), Social Media Marketing (Meta), and Software Developer (IBM). These roles are expected to play a significant role in the Nigerian labor market, which anticipates the creation of three million digital jobs in the next four years. To apply, individuals must choose one certification program from Category A and one from Category B.

Category A

  • Category A (IT Career Pathway) offers a selection of 20 professional certification programs designed to jumpstart a successful IT career.
  • Each program consists of a series of related courses that focus on providing in-depth knowledge and practical skills required for employment.
  • Upon completing each individual course within the program, participants will receive a certificate of completion.
  • However, the professional certification will only be earned upon completion of all the required courses in the program.


Category B (Complementary Skills Pathway) offers 4 certification programs that can complement IT career skills and enhance proficiency in digital productivity tools, entrepreneurship, or freelancing skills.


  • Each scholar will have access to the Coursera license for a duration of six (6) months.
  • During this time, scholars are expected to complete as many professional certifications as possible.
  • However, they can only be enrolled in one certification at a time.


  • The certifications include the 3MTT 12 core skills:
  • Software Development,
  • UI/UX Design,
  • Data Analysis & Visualization,
  • Quality Assurance,
  • Product Management,
  • Animation,
  • AI / Machine Learning,
  • Cybersecurity,
  • Game Development,
  • Cloud Computing,
  • Dev Ops
  • Data Science.


  • Before making a choice, applicants can click on the provided program links to learn more about the professional certifications.
  • Successful applicants will receive a Coursera license via email in the form of a joining link. By clicking on the link, they can join the program and enroll in a course.
  • To enroll in the program go to the enrolment platform
  • The applications open from January 24, 2024, and the program is expected to commence on February 10, 2024.

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