Regional Facility for Teachers in Africa – Call for Proposals

The objective of this Regional Facility for Teachers in Africa – Call for Proposals on Innovative Solutions for Teacher Training is, by identifying and supporting the scaling of innovative solutions, to improve the quality, relevance and effectiveness of initial and continuing professional development for teachers in four thematic priorities:

  • (1) fundamental learning pedagogy;
  • (2) green skills; (3) digital skills and
  • (4) gender transformative pedagogy.

Please note that this is not the online application form for the second call for proposals (Support for teachers in crisis contexts”), which is managed by Expertise France and aims to strengthen teacher performance and the quality of education in fragile contexts. More information on this other appeal is available here.

Before entering the form, we invite you to read very carefully the guidelines relating to the current appeal. These guidelines contain important and very useful information. We advise you to follow them carefully in order to give your proposal the maximum chance of being selected.

Then, at the top right of this page, access the button to identify yourself or the button to log in (if you have already created a account beforehand). To access the application form, click on the “Apply” button located in the box on the right and follow the instructions.

In the application form, you will be asked to both complete an online form and also upload documents. The document templates to use are provided in the form. You can confirm your answers and navigate between different pages using the “Next” and “Back” buttons at the bottom of each page. To submit completed documents, please use the upload functions on the relevant pages.

Your form will be automatically saved throughout the process. The application saves a provisional version. You can therefore leave the form at any time and come back to it later. Please note, once you submit your application, it cannot be modified later.

The call for proposals takes place in two rounds. During the first round, we will check your eligibility, your management capacity as well as the alignment of your proposal with the objectives of the call. Proposals selected in the first round will be invited to present a more detailed description in the second round.

Our evaluation process is extremely rigorous and selective. We recommend that you read our guidelines very carefully but also provide the most complete information possible in the application form.

Eligibility for the Regional Facility for Teachers in Africa – Call for Proposals on Innovative Solutions for Teacher Training

  1. Only organizations that meet the following criteria are eligible for this call for proposals. Other proposals will be rejected. Your organization must:
  2. Be a legal person;
  3. Be a public actor or be a private non-profit actor;
  4. Present an innovative solution to be implemented in 1 of the 49 countries in sub-Saharan Africa;
  5. Have already successfully managed a (public) subsidy equivalent to 40% of the requested amount;
  6. Have financial statements certified by an independent body (not required for public actors);
  7. Do not act as an intermediary.

Application for the Regional Facility for Teachers in Africa – Call for Proposals on Innovative Solutions for Teacher Training

  1. For details visit the official website
  2. To apply visit platform and CLICK APPLY
  3. Deadline Monday, July 15, 2024
  4. Read the Guidelines here

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