OBAC Scale-Up Immersive Program for Black Mid-career Content-creators/producers

Applications are open for the OBAC Scale-Up Immersive Programme 2022-2023. Scale Up Immersive is a four (4) month virtual programme that provides ten (10) Black-owned media production companies founders who are looking to scale-up and transition into the immersive space; with industry expert consultation, workshops, case studies and mentoring in addition to a rapid prototyping lab with access to state-of-the-art immersive media production facilities and technologies.

OYA Black Arts Coalition (OBAC) and CFC Media Lab will select a minimum of ten Black mid-career content-creators/producers with the objective to increase the capacity to operate successfully in this growing sector, diversify the talent pool in immersive media and be poised to access the additional funds available for digital and immersive productions.


This programme includes exposure to industry expert consultations, intensive workshops, and a group rapid prototyping with a $30,000 budget. Participants will leave the program with:

  • an understanding of the Immersive Media industry landscape
  • awareness of business and financial structuring
  • knowledge of workflow and integration into storytelling
  • networking opportunities
  • working prototype in VR/AR/XR

Eligibility. Applicant must:

  • Self-identify as Black, and be over the age of 18
  • Be located in southern Ontario
  • Be one of the following:
    • Sole proprietor
    • Incorporated
    • Partnership
  • Applicant’s production company must be at least 51% Black-owned
  • Be available for ALL workshop dates

Scale Up Immersive is an inclusive program, and is open to applicants regardless of disability, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, or socio-economic status as defined by the Equality Act. At least 60% of participants selected will be women or women-identified producer(s).

Assessment Criteria

If your application is eligible, an assessor will review your application, taking into account the following criteria:

  • The strengths of the applicant:
    • Including (but not limited to): demonstrable passion for the industry; previous knowledge and experience in film/television/digital video production; how the participant would benefit from the aims of the course
    • The likely career impact for the applicant
    • How the course content matches the participants current career goals.
  • Note: Knowledge of and/or experience with immersive media is NOT an assessment criterion.

Application Fill out the application form which will include the following components:

  • Company experience: Why does your company want to take part in this programme? Please describe how this programme fits with your company’s business and development plans, portfolio/artistic progression and how it represents an opportunity that your company may not otherwise have had access to. (up to 350 words)
  • Participant experience: What makes you a strong candidate for this exchange? Please describe how being part of this programme fits with your career progression? Please describe your experience (if any) with producing immersive media content. Include project names, production companies or artists, and identify your involvement/role. (up to 350 words)
  • Resume / CV including education and professional work experience (max. 2 pages)
  • Personal Bio (Max. 300 words)
  • One Letter of Recommendation from an industry professional (max 2 pages) – Optional
  • Click here to apply. For more information, visit OBAC Scale-Up Immersive Programme. Deadline: October 7, 2022

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