Now Open: Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program for early and mid-career researchers

The Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program is a prestigious fellowship program that welcomes early and mid-career researchers from around the world. This program is dedicated to advancing the learning and development of children and youth on a global scale. Researchers from various disciplines, such as education sciences, psychology, economics, sociology, behavioral science, computer science, pedagogy, linguistics, neurosciences, and science of learning, are encouraged to apply.

The program particularly values interdisciplinary work and researchers who can combine multiple levels of analysis. It also places a special emphasis on understanding and embracing the variability in learning, as well as promoting the practical application of evidence on human learning and development. Additionally, the program aims to support effective education policies and practices that can be scaled up.

  • The Jacobs Foundation is interested in exploring various questions related to learning and development.
  • These include understanding how individual and contextual factors influence learning outcomes,
  • designing scalable solutions to accommodate learner variability,
  • reducing inequalities in children’s learning through interventions,
  • utilizing data to inform decision-making in education,
  • and identifying effective learning approaches for diverse student groups.

Fellowships are awarded to highly talented and innovative researchers who have completed their PhD within the past 10 years. If you are passionate about improving the lives of children and youth through research, this fellowship program could be a great opportunity for you.

Funding provided by the Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowships is directly awarded to the fellow’s institution. This funding can be utilized by the fellow over a three-year period to cover a portion of their salary and for any purpose that supports their research, such as salaries for assistants, equipment, technical assistance, professional travel, or trainee support.


The ideal candidate for the fellowship:

1. Has obtained their PhD or an equivalent degree within the past 10 years.
2. Is employed at a higher education institution or research institute.
3. Conducts high-quality research in an area of interest to the Jacobs Foundation.
4. Is committed to actively engaging with the Jacobs Foundation and the Fellowship Network, as well as contributing to the Foundation’s activities.


The selection process is based on the following equally weighted criteria:

1. Past research accomplishments and publication record.
2. Creativity and potential to become a leader in the scientific community.
3. Scientific quality of methods and data.
4. International relevance of the fellow’s planned work.
5. Potential for promoting human development and learning.
6. Alignment of planned projects with the goals of the Jacobs Foundation.
7. Willingness to support the Foundation’s aims and actively engage with them.

For more information, please visit the Official Webpage of the Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program 2024.

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