Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 3 Call for Applications ($50,000 grant)

The One Young World is offering awards to a small, innovative, youth-led non-profit organization that is dedicated to addressing the climate and health challenges faced by young people today under the Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 3

In addition to the grant, the recipient will also be granted a fully-funded Scholarship to attend the 2024 One Young World Summit in Montreal, Canada. They will also receive mentorship from AstraZeneca and be included in a development program through the YHP’s Impact Fellowship.

Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 3 Selection

  • What are they seeking? They are looking for a young leader (aged 18-30) who is working for or leading a non-profit organization and has the drive and determination to create a healthier world for people.
  • They are interested in innovative solutions that have the potential to be scaled-up.
  • They are particularly interested in non-profit projects that aim to bridge the equity gap by providing marginalized young people with better access to healthcare, while also incorporating elements of environmental sustainability and stewardship.
  • They are seeking a locally-led, rights-based approach that focuses on vulnerable and marginalized youth.
  • They also want to see a focus on local and/or national advocacy approaches that aim to engage with decision-makers and policy-makers in order to bring about positive legislative change.

They welcome a wide range of ideas, which could include developing youth climate advocacy skills and promoting health awareness, advocating for carbon-friendly solutions to address health equity issues, supporting climate-health entrepreneurship, addressing food waste and promoting healthy diets, and more.

Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 3 Funding Information:

The winning solution will be rewarded with a scholarship to participate in the One Young World Summit 2024, along with a US$50,000 grant from AstraZeneca. Additionally, the winner will receive 12 months of mentorship from a team of AstraZeneca professionals and partners. This mentorship will focus on accelerating the solution based on the specific needs of the initiative or organization, including areas such as business strategy, data collection best practices, monitoring and evaluation, and product design.

Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 3 Benefits

The winning individual and their solution will also gain the following benefits:
1. Access to Networks: They will have the opportunity to participate in the 2024 One Young World Summit and Ambassador Network, as well as access to an Alumni group consisting of other young changemakers who share a passion for youth health.

2. Access to Development: They will have access to structured learning and development offerings that will help them scale their impact. This includes both self-directed and live learning opportunities, such as the One Young World Academy, an award-winning mini-MBA program, and professional training.

3. Access to Funding: All Fellows will be required to manage a community project aimed at improving youth access to healthcare. The selected organization will receive a US$50,000 grant to support this effort.

Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 3 Eligibility Criteria:

  • – Nationals of all eligible countries are welcome to apply for this scholarship.
  • – Applicants must demonstrate a positive impact through leading climate/health equity projects that benefit youth aged 10-24.
  • – Applicants must have access to the internet and a device (computer, phone) that will allow them to participate in live, online Fellowship sessions. This will not be provided to Fellows.
  • – Proficiency in English (speaking, reading, writing) is required.
  • – Applicants must be able to fully participate in-person at the One Young World Summit, which will take place from 17th to 22nd September 2024 in Montreal, Canada.
  • – Applicants must commit to a one-year Fellowship program and attend at least 75% of the modules/activities.
  • – Applicants must have the ability to lead and manage the implementation and reporting of the non-profit project funded through the Fellowship.
  • – Applicants must be founders or leaders of registered non-profit organizations that meet the following criteria: Have been officially registered and active for a minimum of three complete years. Have generated a total reported revenue of over USD$100,000 but less than USD$2,000,000 in the previous fiscal year.

Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 3 Application

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