Join the Timbuktoo HealthTech Accelerator Programme

Are you an innovative entrepreneur in the HealthTech sector with a transformative concept aimed at revolutionizing healthcare in Africa? Are you dedicated to utilizing innovation to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Do you possess a scalable and defensible solution with well-defined monetization strategies? If so, we invite you to apply to become a part of the Timbuktoo HealthTech Accelerator Programme.

The HealthTech environment in Africa is characterized by both significant challenges and promising opportunities, with an anticipated digital health market valued at $11 billion by 2025. To effectively tackle pressing healthcare disparities, there is an immediate necessity to create a strong HealthTech hub.

This initiative is designed to support startups that are pioneering innovative solutions in deep technology, hardware, and advanced technologies. Focus areas include AI-enhanced diagnostics, locally produced medical devices, and biotechnology specifically designed to meet the needs of the African population. The hub aims to serve as a cornerstone for developing a thriving, comprehensive HealthTech industry.

The Timbuktoo HealthTech Programme is dedicated to fostering innovative startups that fulfill the following essential criteria:

Technology-Driven Solution:

Your startup must center around a technology-driven solution, leveraging digital tools and platforms to enhance innovation and efficiency within the financial sector.

Alignment with the SDGs:

Your solution should align with and contribute to one or more of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, tackling urgent global issues such as poverty, inequality, and climate change.

Significant Scalability:

Your startup should exhibit significant scalability, either through digital distribution channels or the capacity to rapidly expand sales across various markets.

Defensible Market Position:

Your startup should maintain a defensible market position, whether through Intellectual Property (IP) rights, network effects, domain expertise, or regional market leadership, ensuring a sustainable competitive edge in the HealthTech arena.

Innovation and Distinctiveness:

A unique approach to addressing health challenges, with the potential for a disruptive impact on the healthcare industry.

Technical Viability:

A solid scientific or technical foundation for the solution, accompanied by a realistic timeline for development.

Regulatory Awareness:

An understanding of pertinent healthcare regulations, along with a strategy for securing the necessary approvals.

Startups with an emphasis in the following areas are strongly encouraged to apply for the Timbuktoo HealthTech Accelerator Programme:

  • Disease Prevention: – Early detection technologies – Predictive health analytics – Lifestyle intervention
  • Clinical Preventive Frameworks and Community Advocacy: – Public health outreach solutions –
  • Community health worker support systems – Health education and awareness platforms
  • Vaccine and Medicine Production: – Novel vaccine development technologies – Local pharmaceutical manufacturing solutions – Drug discovery platforms
  • Medical Robotics and Automation (MRA): – Surgical robotics – Automated diagnostic systems – AI-assisted medical procedures
  • Genomics: – Personalized medicine solutions – Genetic testing and counselling platforms – Gene therapy technologies
  • Biomedical Systems: – Advanced medical imaging – Biomedical sensor technologies – Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
  • Patient Care Journey: – Telemedicine and remote patient monitoring – Electronic health records and data management – Patient engagement and adherence solutions
  • Pandemic/health emergencies management
  • Malnutrition and stunting
  • Monetisation Strategies:

    Your startup should have clear and sustainable monetisation strategies, showcasing a path to profitability and long-term financial viability.

Eligibility: Timbuktoo HealthTech Accelerator Programme

Groundbreaking founders and innovators across Africa who are already building startups that meet the following criteria:

  • Startups with founders who are nationals of an African Country
  • Startups must be registered and operating within Africa
  • Startups must have been in operation for a minimum of one year
  • Startups must address development challenges
  • Must be a technology-based solution
  • Startups must have a Minimum Viable Solution (MVS) (regulated and licenced if necessary)
  • Startups should have existing corporate governance systems and accountability.
  • This application is limited to citizens of the African Union member states.

Programme Timeline: Timbuktoo HealthTech Accelerator Programme

What is the Programme timeline?

  • Application and Selection Process: August 2024 – October 2024
  • Bootcamp: November 2024 – December 2024 (Attendance in Kigali, Rwanda from November 7th – 17th 2024)
  • Incubation & Acceleration: January 2025 – May 2025

The most promising startups from bootcamp will receive long-term wrap around support for a period of 5 months. In this curated technical assistance, coaching, product refinement, and scaling will be provided to startups. Additionally, partnerships will be facilitated to spur product iterations, market access and capital raising for the startups. Startups selected for incubation and acceleration will have the opportunity to receive equity-free grants of up to $100,000 USD.

Benefits: Timbuktoo HealthTech Accelerator Programme

  • Membership in the pioneer cohort of timbuktoo HealthTech Accelerator Programme and entire Timbuktoo ecosystem
  • Mentorship from industry experts and seasoned entrepreneurs.
  • Equity-free funding of up to $100,000 USD.
  • Networking with potential partners, collaborators, and customers.
  • Access to investor networks.
  • Resources and support to accelerate growth and impact.
  • Access to networks and agencies within the larger UN system
  • Access to networks and resources within the AfCTA system
  • Impact and shape a pan-African HealthTech evolution

How to Apply for the Timbuktoo HealthTech Accelerator Programme

  1. Complete the Application for the Timbuktoo HealthTech Accelerator Programme here: link
  2. Applications open: 27th August 2024
  3. Deadline: 6th October 2024

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