ILAB/USDOL Grant Opportunity for Nonprofits/CBOs addressing Child Labor in West African Agriculture ($4m available)

The Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB), U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL, or the Department), announces the availability of approximately $4,000,000 total costs (subject to the availability of Federal funds) for 1 cooperative agreement to fund Phase I of a technical assistance project in West Africa to improve action by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission and ECOWAS Member States to combat child labor, with a focus in agriculture.75% DISCOUNT ON PREMIUM MEMBERSHIPHURRY! TIME IS RUNNING OUT. OFFER CLOSES SOON.GRAB THIS OFFER

LAB leads the U.S. Government’s (USG) efforts to improve working conditions and fight labor exploitation around the world. ILAB’s mission is to promote a fair global playing field for workers in the United States and around the world by enforcing trade commitments, strengthening labor standards, and combating international child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking. ILAB’s Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking (OCFT) works to eliminate child labor, forced labor and human trafficking through international research, policy engagement, and technical cooperation.

Funding Information

The duration of Phase I of the project will be a maximum of 48 months from the effective date of the award. Following the conclusion of Phase I, USDOL will consider awarding a second phase of the project of approximately $4,000,000 total costs, reflecting a total potential project budget of approximately $8,000,000 over approximately eight years.

  • The two phases of the project will aim to achieve the following outcomes:
    • Outcome 1: Increased capacity of ECOWAS to implement the ECOWAS Regional Action Plan to eliminate child labor.
    • Outcome 2: Increased mobilization of ECOWAS Member States to implement National Action Plans to eliminate child labor.
    • Outcome 2.1: Improved legislative, policy, and enforcement environment for enabling national action to address child labor.
    • Outcome 2.2: Increased action by communities to develop and implement Community Action Plans to reduce child labor in agriculture.
    • Outcome 2.3: Increased access to education, livelihoods, or other forms of social protection in agricultural communities.
Eligibility Criteria
  • The following organizations are eligible to apply:
  • U.S. organizations:
    • Nonprofits, including any faith-based organizations, or community-based organizations
    • Public/State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education
    • Private Institutions of Higher Education
    • For-Profit organizations
  • Non-U.S. organizations:
    • Non-U.S. Entities, including PIOs,
  • The following types of organizations are not eligible to apply nor to participate as subrecipients/contractors:
    • Organizations designated by the U.S. Government to be associated with terrorism.
    • Organizations designated by the U.S. Government to have been debarred or suspended.
    • Organizations planning to charge a fee (profit) associated with a project funded by a USDOL award.
    • Foreign governments and entities that are agencies of, or operated by or for, a foreign state or government are not eligible to apply. However, they may be eligible to participate as a sub-recipient in certain instances, subject to USDOL approval.
    • NOTE: If an exception to this sub-recipient eligibility criterion might be appropriate, the application must include a detailed justification for the possible exception. USDOL funds are not intended to duplicate existing foreign government efforts or substitute for activities for which such governments have already assumed responsibility. USDOL will make eligibility decisions on a case-by-case basis after receiving the application.

Deadline: 7-Oct-22 . For more information, visit

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