Data Economy Hackathon 2024 Call fornApplications (More than $500k Seed Funding)

Welcome to the Data Economy Hackathon! This event is dedicated to bringing together the brightest minds to explore the possibilities of web3. Created by PL Architect in collaboration with our flagship sponsors, Filecoin and InterPlanetary Consensus (IPC), we are gathering developers from Asia and around the world to delve into and build upon the Protocol Labs Ecosystem tech stack. Our main focus is on Filecoin and IPC, and here are our objectives:

1. Harness Data Value: Utilize decentralized networks to maximize the utility of data.
2. Innovate for Scalability: Develop using InterPlanetary Consensus for cutting-edge scalability.
3. Create with Filecoin: Bring dApps to life that enhance the Filecoin ecosystem.
4. Enhance the Filecoin Experience: Aim for projects that improve participation in the Filecoin network.

Winners will have the opportunity to be showcased in our accelerator programs with esteemed partners such as Longhash Ventures & Graph Paper Capital. They will also gain exposure to our extensive network of investors and mentors. This is our vision for igniting a revolution in the open data economy.

About Us

At Protocol Labs Architect, we firmly believe that The Ecosystem surpasses The Corporation as the primary driver of progress for humanity. Our expertise lies in the structured and programmatic design and growth of internet-scale ecosystems in computing.

Our global programming has supported:
– 63,000 hackers with over $1.6 million in prizes
– 602 grants awarded across various categories
– 300 teams graduated from our accelerators, collectively raising more than $440 million in venture capital to date

Filecoin is the L1 blockchain and storage network uniquely positioned to empower the open data economy. Its mission is to establish a decentralized, efficient, and robust foundation for humanity’s information. The Filecoin Virtual Machine, launched in March 2023, introduces programmability to Filecoin and has already gained traction among thousands of developers.

Startup Challenge

Total Prize Pool: $500,000 USD (in accelerator seed funding)
Number of Winners: Maximum 5x (shortlisted for priority consideration by Protocol Labs Accelerator Partners, including Longhash, Graph Paper Capital & more)

Challenge: The aim of this challenge is to find the best BUIDL (project) submitted to any Dorahacks Data Economy hackathon track or sponsor bounty that has the potential to develop into a startup.

What are the criteria for a good submission in this challenge?

1. Innovative Idea: The idea should be technically creative and offer an innovative solution to a real problem.
2. Demonstrated understanding of the technology: You should have a clear perspective on why you chose this technology or its associated ecosystem for your use case.
3. Product Prototype: You need to provide a working prototype that demonstrates how your idea comes to life for its users.
4. Strong Team: A strong team is essential, with a diverse range of skills including technical expertise, execution ability, and a solid understanding of product development.
5. Business Model: You should have a simple plan in place, at this stage, that has the potential to generate revenue or create value through other means.
6. Great Pitch: Your pitch should be clear, concise, and effectively summarize the points mentioned above.

Prize Eligibility:

  • – Submitting the same project to multiple hackathons will result in disqualification.
  • – Projects that have already received Filecoin grants will not be eligible for a Hackathon prize if the grant has been approved and the scope of work for the hackathon and the grant are the same.
  • – Only projects or features specifically built for the respective hackathon will be considered for prizes.
  • – Projects with broken links may be disqualified from the judging process.

Please note that we have implemented policies to ensure that payment disbursements comply with legally required sanctions. This means that teams residing in sanctioned or restricted countries, including but not limited to Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, the Crimea region of Ukraine, the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, and the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic, may not be eligible to participate in our events or receive prizes.

Submission Requirements

For prize submissions, please ensure the following components are included:

(1) Project Overview

  • Provide a detailed description and summary of the project.
  • Include the names or pseudonyms of team members along with their contact information (such as GitHub handle, email address, etc.).
  • Explain how the project utilizes our technology by providing direct links to relevant files and functions in the code, as well as the addresses of smart contracts deployed on the FVM.

(2) Public Source Code Repository Link

  • Share a link to the publicly accessible source code repository.
  • Include a thorough README with a clear explanation of the project and highlight the utilization of our technology in the “Technologies Used” section of the README.
  • Provide a link to a functional demo or testing guide.

(3) Optional Presentation

  • Include a brief video presentation (typically 2-3 minutes) showcasing the project idea, featuring a demo illustrating the use of technology.
  • Evaluation Criteria
  • Innovation/Creativity: Does the project offer unique and innovative features, or does it combine existing features in a novel way? Does it address a new problem creatively and bring joy to users?
  • Potential Impact: Does the project fill a void in the market and have the potential to be widely adopted by a diverse audience?
  • Technical Proficiency: Is the code well-structured, clean, and technically impressive? Is the project fully developed?
  • Execution: How effectively does the project incorporate our technology? [FVM-specific: How well does the project utilize content addressing inherent to FVM?]
  • Design: How user-friendly is the UX/UI/DX? Is the platform easy to navigate? For developer-focused projects, is the experience seamless and intuitive? Does the visual design captivate the user?


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