Cohort 2 Application for CcHub and Mastercard Foundation EdTech Accelerator Program is open

Cohort 2 Application for CcHub and Mastercard Foundation EdTech Accelerator Program is open. CcHub and Mastercard Foundation have joined forces to support edtech startups that are creating innovative tools to improve learning outcomes and provide equal and high-quality education for the future generation of Africa. By participating in our accelerator program, startups can take advantage of a range of benefits.

  • Equity-Free Funding
  • Support & Mentoring
  • Investor Network


  • Startups must be registered in Nigeria and be Africa focused.
  • Startups must be building solutions that address challenges across K-12, tertiary education and vocational skills training.
  • The Edtech Solution must posses these two qualities
  • The startups  must be EdTech Solution Based
  • The startups must have Inclusive Teams

Applications review process

STAGE 1: To apply, innovators who are interested can submit their applications below. During this stage, the Edtech solutions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

1. Problem/Solution Fit
2. Founder Potential
3. Business Model Fit
4. Traction.

STAGE 2: The EdTech solutions chosen from the initial phase will be evaluated using the following factors:

1. Scalability
2. Long-term viability
3. Plan and vision
4. Competitive advantage
5. Team potential.

STAGE 3: Applicants who have successfully completed the assessment stage will proceed to the final stage, which involves an interview. Following this interview, a final selection will be made, pending the completion of due diligence.

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