Call for Solutions for Startups Fostering Digital Improvement and Transformation of Education (€25,000 Funding)

In recent years, there has been a profound and rapid change in society, but this transformation has not necessarily been reflected in educational institutions’ practices and content. In 2022, Spain had the highest early school dropout rates in the European Union, reaching 13.9%. This alarming statistic was accompanied by poor academic performance. Experts believe that the inflexibility and excessive rigidity of the Spanish education system are partly to blame for this failure. Within schools, the learning paths are uniform, following a single curriculum that does not cater to diverse and personal contexts, interests, or objectives.

Motivation plays a crucial role in educational success and learning. When learners find meaning in what they are taught and perceive personal value in their education, their motivation increases. This, in turn, contributes to their self-knowledge, a better understanding of their reality, and the active construction of a future that involves and enhances their capabilities.

Personalized learning approaches are frequently discussed as a means to promote innovation and improve educational quality in the new global context. They are essential for achieving quality education. So, how can technology contribute to motivation, personalized learning approaches, and academic success?


  • The Call for Solutions for Startups Fostering Digital Improvement and Transformation of Education (€25,000 Funding) aims to identify national and international initiatives that leverage technology to enhance motivation, personalized learning approaches, and academic success in the classroom.
  • These solutions should promote a transformative, healthy, and safe use of technology.
  • The winning initiatives will be implemented and tested in public and charter schools in Catalonia, specifically targeting the 3rd and 4th years of Compulsory Secondary Education.
  • To be eligible, the solutions must have a technological development level equal to or higher than Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 5.
  • Additionally, the implementation of the pilot program must be technically and economically feasible within 6-9 months during the 2024/2025 school year.

Focus of solutions

  • 1. Students motivation
  • 2. Improvement of personalised learning approaches
  • 3. Lifelong learning
  • 4. Academic success and reduction of school dropout rates


  • Piloting: You have the privilege of piloingt your solution in real educational context so as to validate your proposal and its impact.
  • Funding: A chance ofr €25,000 for each of the winning solutions
  • Visibility: Gain high visibility of the pilot’s implementation through various events.

How to Participate

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