Call for proposals to advance civic technology and digital engagement across Africa by Charter Project Africa and AU-ECOSOCC,

The Charter Project Africa, in partnership with the AU-ECOSOCC, is initiating a call for proposals to promote civic technology and digital engagement throughout Africa. The aim is to strengthen democratic governance and encourage citizen participation in continental institutions. This call invites potential applicants to collaborate with AU-ECOSOCC in refining and improving their digital engagement strategies. The priorities include audience analysis, testing messaging and channels, developing an engagement strategy, and establishing effective feedback mechanisms.

Eligibility Criteria:
This opportunity is open to both not-for-profit and for-profit organizations, including social enterprises, in the civic and tech ecosystem. Applicants must be registered in an AU Member State. Organizations with a proven track record in audience research and engagement strategy, as well as a focus on innovation and large-scale impact interventions, are strongly encouraged to apply. A comprehensive understanding of AU policies, previous engagements with AU organs, and alignment with the AU agenda are also highly valued.

Submission Requirements:
Interested organizations must submit a completed application template, a filled-in budget template, and legal entity registration documents.

The requested documents should be sent to [email protected] with the subject line “Application | Support to AU-ECOSOCC | ORGANIZATION NAME” no later than January 31st, 2024. For details visit the Official Website of the AU-ECOSOCC Charter Africa Project.

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