Call for proposals by World Climate Research Programme WCRP Global South Fellowship

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)  Global South Fellowshiphas introduced a research fellowship opportunity focusing on Africa as part of its new Global South Fellowship program.

The main goal of the World Climate Research Programme WCRP Global South Fellowship is to empower early to mid-career researchers from the Global South to advance their own research initiatives related to WCRP, thereby enhancing climate research efforts in their respective regions. Fellowship topics can cover a wide array of scientific inquiries outlined in the WCRP Science and Implementation Plan based on the priorities of WCRP activities (Core Projects and Lighthouse Activities).

In the current 2024 call, World Climate Research Programme WCRP Global South Fellowship is seeking research proposals from early to mid-career candidates hailing from the African continent. These proposals must be endorsed by a host institution that guarantees the successful candidate will dedicate their full-time efforts to the fellowship project during the agreed-upon period at the institution. Successful projects should tackle critical gaps in WCRP-related African climate research, contribute to climate action in Africa, foster a community of practice, and lay the groundwork for a lasting impact to be built upon in the long run.

For instance, proposals could focus on establishing a community of practice at the climate-policy interface or enhancing climate literacy, among other themes. The selected projects should aim to be transformative and set the stage for African researchers to take the lead on a World Climate Research Programme WCRP Global South Fellowship (legacy) project. The proposal should also establish connections to relevant World Climate Research Programme WCRP Global South Fellowship core activities, where applicable.

Award Information – World Climate Research Programme WCRP Global South Fellowship

The World Climate Research Programme WCRP Global South Fellowship leadership has designated CHF 50K for a Global South Fellowship focusing on Africa. This grant aims to support the salary of a single researcher. Each submission must include a comprehensive outline of the research project, along with a budget detailing the planned resource allocation and timeframe. Additionally, applicants should indicate if there are other potential funding sources.

The fellowship is expected to commence ideally in late 2024 (pending negotiations). A commitment letter from the host institution must accompany the proposal. Eligible expenses cover (1) candidate salary in line with host institution standards; (2) travel expenses for World Climate Research Programme WCRP Global South Fellowship meetings and local research-related travel; (3) purchase of an approved laptop. Negotiations for institutional overhead are possible, but equipment costs are not covered.

The successful candidate will be chosen by the World Climate Research Programme WCRP Global South Fellowship fellowship selection committee based on the quality of the proposal and a subsequent oral/online interview. Both components must demonstrate exceptional alignment with World Climate Research Programme WCRP Global South Fellowship’s strategic goals. The selection committee will comprise JSC members and prominent figures from the African research community.

APPLICATION – World Climate Research Programme WCRP Global South Fellowship

Interested candidates are strongly encouraged to review World Climate Research Programme WCRP Global South Fellowship‘s Science and Implementation Plan and the description of World Climate Research Programme WCRP Global South Fellowship’s Core Projects and Lighthouse Activities therein and build their project in consultation with the co-chairs of relevant WCRP groups.

Applications should be submitted only online through the link:

The deadline for submitting applications is 30 September 2024 World Climate Research Programme WCRP Global South Fellowship

*Early to mid-career researchers are active researchers up to 12 years after receiving their PhD (excluding parental and care leave).

For more detailed information regarding this call and if you wish to find potential collaborators within World Climate Research Programme WCRP Global South Fellowship, please contact Hindumathi Palanisamy ([email protected]) cc’ing Lian Xue ([email protected]).

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