Call for Entries: Meta Llama Impact Innovation Awards

The Meta Llama Impact Innovation Awards (Large Language Model Meta AI) aim to recognize and assist organizations that utilize Llama 2 or 3 as a fundamental component in addressing regional challenges.

Applicants must demonstrate: Meta Llama Impact Innovation Awards

– The direct impact of their work on the specified regional issue
– The significance of Llama 2 or Llama 3 in their efforts to tackle the relevant problem
– Provide a public reference link showcasing the project’s utilization of Llama 2 or Llama 3 (e.g., blog post, news article, GitHub repository, etc.).

Regional Focus Areas of the Meta Llama Impact Innovation Awards

We understand that each region faces unique challenges, which is why we have customized our program to cater to these specific needs. Applicants will not only apply within their own region but also within specialized tracks designed for each region. These tracks are outlined below:

1. Education: Utilize Llama to improve learning outcomes, increase access to quality education, and enhance the teaching experience. Potential applications may include AI-powered tutoring, personalized learning platforms, and intelligent tools for teachers.

2. Public Services: Harness Llama to enhance transparency, accountability, and efficiency in government services. Possible applications may include solutions for citizen engagement, AI-driven data analysis, and virtual assistants to navigate government processes.

3. Healthcare: Apply Llama to improve health outcomes, streamline clinical workflows, and enhance patient experiences. This could involve AI-powered diagnostic tools, intelligent tools for healthcare workers, or personalized medicine platforms.

4. Safety and Security: Utilize Llama to develop innovative solutions that enhance public safety, prevent fraud, and protect vulnerable populations. For instance, AI-powered fraud detection, chatbots for emergency response, and predictive analytics for crime prevention.

By tailoring our program to address these regional issue areas, we aim to provide targeted support and solutions that address the specific challenges faced by each region. If your organization has ideas for how to address any of the critical challenges above leveraging Llama, we welcome your proposal!


  • $35,000 award

Criteria of the Meta Llama Impact Innovation Awards

The Meta Llama Impact Innovation Awards Application will be available for submission from June 17 to July 26, 2024. All proposals will undergo evaluation based on specific criteria:

1. Demonstrated utility of Llama: The project or product should incorporate Llama as a core element, with its purpose clearly defined. Applicants must provide a public reference showcasing their use of Llama, such as a blog post, news article, or Github repository.

2. Applicability: The proposed solution should effectively address the challenge outlined in the designated track.

3. Impact: The solution should present a vision for how it will make a positive impact on the broader problem space and provide social benefits. This could include its effectiveness across different regions, addressing the needs of various communities, or similar aspects.

4. Responsibility: Ideal winners will demonstrate how they have adhered to the Responsible Use Guidelines during the development of their project or product.

Winning teams will be notified by September 2024, while applicants of interest and runners-up may receive notifications by or after September 2024. Stay updated for program announcements. For more information, please refer to the Terms and Conditions or FAQ section.

Application for the Meta Llama Impact Innovation Awards

  1. To apply visit the official application portal
  2. The application deadline is July 26, 2024.
  3. For program details seethe website

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