Call for Entries by the Livingston Awards for Young Journalists ($10,000 Prize)

The Livingston Awards for young journalists were established in 1981 to recognize and support young journalists under the age of 35. Over the past four decades, these awards have been a platform for identifying exceptional young journalists and nurturing the future leaders of newsrooms.


The Livingston Awards welcome entries in various formats, including print, online, video, audio, and data visualization.


Each year, a prize of $10,000 is awarded in three categories: local, national, and international reporting. The winners are chosen by a panel of judges who have a deep commitment to the program and are highly respected in the field of journalism.

Winning a Livingston Award not only provides financial support but also boosts the confidence of talented young reporters. It gives them the recognition and backing they need to continue producing ambitious projects. National recognition opens doors to new stories, wider audiences, and exciting career opportunities.


  • The rules for the awards state that entrants must be 34 years old or younger as of December 31, 2023.
  • Multiple authors can collaborate on an entry, but all contributors must meet the age criteria.
  • Each individual can submit only one entry, which can be a single piece or a series of up to three pieces that are connected in some way.
  • The series must be published by the same organization.
  • There is no limit to the number of entries that a media organization can submit, as long as they enter only one entry per reporter.
  • Individuals can apply on their own or be nominated by their organization.
  • The eligible formats for submission include print, online, video, audio, and data visualization. However, still photography is not eligible.

Prize money and Award

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