Call for applications- Women Income Generation Opportunities Initiative

Established in 2014, Capital Solutions Ltd (CSL) is a Social Enterprise that aims to inspire, transform, and build the capacity of social entrepreneurs working with low-income communities in Africa. Our mission is to inspire, transform, and build African social entrepreneurs through improved access to finance and capacity development for sustainable social impact.

Siemens Stiftung has partnered with Capital Solutions Limited to implement the “Women Income Generation Opportunities Initiative (WIGOI)” project. This initiative will provide tailored 360° educational solutions to young women in semi-urban and rural areas, aged 18-30, to help them grow their incomes and career opportunities. The program includes capacity building, coaching and mentorship, networking opportunities, and access to small debt capital. We are specifically looking for 100 young women from semi-urban and rural areas, including marginalized women such as refugees and persons with disabilities, to participate in this life-changing experience.

To be eligible

  • Aged between 18 – 30 years
  • be resident in Uganda
  • applicants should have a focus on climate change, renewable energy, health, education, or agriculture.
  • They should also be comfortable using digital tools, proficient in verbal and written English,
  • able to regularly access the internet,
  • and willing to attend in-person sessions.

To apply, please follow the instructions provided.

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