Call for Applications: The 2024 Ashden International Awards for Green Entrepreneurs from Developing Countries (£25,000 PRIZE)

The 2024 Ashden International Awards for Green Entrepreneurs from Developing Countries also known as the Ashden climate awards are now accepting applications from projects that promote green skills and training, address inequality, and empower communities. Winners have the opportunity to receive funding grants of up to £25,000. The Ashden Awards provide recognition, financial support, and connections to exceptional climate solutions. Whether it’s empowering off-grid communities, making cities greener, or restoring the natural world, the winners are working towards a fairer and more sustainable zero carbon future.


  • The annual Ashden Awards are open to businesses, NGOs, government organizations, social enterprises, and community groups.
  • To be eligible for consideration, the work must be currently available to clients, customers, or beneficiaries.
  • In order to be shortlisted and win an award, applicants must meet certain criteria.
  • This includes demonstrating an innovative approach in their work, showing the potential for significant impact, and exhibiting good governance and management.
  • The applicants must also be willing to collaborate with Ashden and others to achieve their goals.
  • Sustainability should be embedded in the values and practices of the winning organizations, which can be either for-profit or not-for-profit.


  • Receiving an Ashden Award comes with a prize of up to £25,000 and ongoing support for development.
  • All winners become part of the Ashden network, which provides opportunities to connect with new partners through masterclasses, investor pitching events, and introductions to influential policy makers.

How to Apply

  • To apply, complete and submit the application in English through our online system. You can download a blank copy of the form from the platform before you begin.
  • If you prefer to apply in French, Spanish, Portuguese, or Arabic, simply select your desired language on the platform.
  • For details visit the Official Website of the Ashden International Awards.
  • Deadline: Thursday 25 January 2024

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