Call for applications: GCSP Prize for Transformative Futures in Peace and Security

The 2024 GCSP Prize for Transformative Futures in Peace and Security is now accepting applications! This prestigious prize aims to honor groundbreaking ideas that have the potential to address the most pressing challenges in peace and security.

We welcome applications from individuals and organizations from all around the world, with a particular emphasis on concepts that go beyond national boundaries in their scope or thinking. Whether your concept revolves around transformative technologies, pandemics, biothreats, autonomous weapons, climate change, human rights, cybersecurity, education, disarmament, or any other relevant field, we encourage you to apply and showcase your innovative vision.

1. The applications for this opportunity are open to individuals from all countries, with the condition that the concepts they propose have a global reach and impact. It is important that the ideas submitted transcend national boundaries and encompass a broader perspective.

2. We welcome concepts from diverse fields that have the potential to make a significant difference. Whether it’s groundbreaking technologies, addressing pandemics and biothreats, exploring the implications of autonomous weapons, tackling climate change, advocating for human rights, safeguarding cybersecurity, revolutionizing education, or promoting disarmament, all these areas are eligible for consideration.

3. The scope of this initiative goes beyond borders, seeking concepts that have the power to create a positive change on a global scale. We encourage applicants from any country to submit their ideas, as long as they have the potential to transcend national limitations and embrace a wider perspective. The fields of interest are vast, ranging from transformative technologies to pandemics, biothreats, autonomous weapons, climate change, human rights, cybersecurity, education, and disarmament, among others.

1. The winners of the competition, including the first, second, and third place, will be publicly announced during a special event scheduled for May 2024.

2. The top-ranked application will receive an incredible prize, which includes a fully funded 2-month incubation program at the prestigious GCSP’s Creative Spark in Geneva, valued at CHF 15,000.

3. Additionally, the first-place winner will also be awarded a certificate of excellence, recognizing their outstanding achievement.

4. The two other finalist applications will not go unnoticed either, as they will receive a certificate of recognition for their remarkable contributions.


1. To be eligible for these prizes, applicants must submit their applications through the online application form.

2. The application should include various components, such as a concise project concept abstract of no more than 250 words, a well-developed project concept description not exceeding 750 words, and a technical process description if applicable.

3. Furthermore, applicants must provide an estimated budget for their project concept and explain how it brings a fresh perspective to the field of global peace and security.

4. They should also outline the short-term and long-term impact their project concept aims to achieve in this crucial field.

5. Optional image files, up to a maximum of five, can also be included to enhance the application.

6. It is important to note that applications submitted through any other channel will not be considered, so it is crucial to utilize the designated online application form.

7. Additionally, all applications must be in English to ensure fair evaluation and understanding.

8. The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, 25 March 2024, at 23:59 UTC+1.

9. The winners will then be announced in May 2024, creating an exciting anticipation for the event and the recognition of exceptional talent in the field of global peace and security.

For more details and any additional queries, interested individuals can refer to the provided resources or contact the relevant authorities. This opportunity presents a chance to showcase innovative ideas, contribute to global peace and security, and potentially receive prestigious recognition and support for further development. Visit Official Website of GCSP Prize for Transformative Futures in Peace and Security.

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