Call for Applications for Pitchers at BlueInvest Africa for registered African businesses

BlueInvest Africa is specifically designed to support African businesses that are already involved in various sectors of the blue economy, including start-ups. It also aims to engage Small, Micro, and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMMEs) in Africa that have innovative ideas with potential for further development in the African market.

The event expects to have around 200 attendees on-site, as well as remote participants from Africa and Europe, including investors and entrepreneurs.

The main goals of BlueInvest Africa are to foster valuable business connections, create opportunities for potential partnerships, showcase real-world business projects, and facilitate the exchange of best practices and innovative ideas.

The event has a clear objective of highlighting the untapped potential in Africa, promoting entrepreneurial initiatives, and encouraging active participation from both the public and private sectors in the growing blue economy of the continent. Additionally, the event aims to promote forward-thinking and sustainable solutions.

A total of 30 pitchers will be selected to participate in this event.

The target audience for the event includes private sector companies in Africa involved in the blue economy, including small-scale businesses, international financial institutions, public and private institutional investors, international, national, and regional organizations, research institutions, incubators, and innovators operating in the private sector.

The selected pitchers will benefit from various opportunities provided by the event.

1. Participants will have the exciting opportunity to showcase their project, business idea, product, or service on the stage in Kenya during the event mentioned earlier.
2. Engage in face-to-face interactions with both public and private investors, aiming to secure deals and obtain financial support for their business or project.
3. Benefit from coaching and mentoring sessions, either in group settings or on an individual basis, specifically designed to prepare them for their pitch.
4. Connect with like-minded African project holders actively involved in blue initiatives, creating a unique networking opportunity.
5. Attend a variety of side events that cover topics related to financing opportunities.
6. Gain direct access to development banks and other financial institutions.
7. Get their stories and projects promoted through various media outlets and social media platforms.


Selected applicants in response to this call must meet the following eligibility criteria:

Location and Registration:
The pitching company must be legally registered and actively operating in an African Union member country. The organizers will make an effort to ensure representation from diverse regions within Africa.
We highly encourage applications from women, people in need, and young entrepreneurs to foster inclusivity and diversity.
The company’s head office or registered office must be located in an African country, and its primary business activities should be conducted within the continent.
It is crucial that the pitching company has intellectual property rights over the proposed product or service. A self-certification guaranteeing ownership of the intellectual property (IP) or exclusive license is required.
Please upload a signed Guidelines for Call for Applications for Pitchers with your application.

Pitch Presentation:
The selected pitcher must be physically present in Kenya and deliver a presentation on behalf of their company, business, or project.
The designated pitcher can be a founding member, director, CEO, or any individual closely involved in the decision-making and management of the company or business.
Alternatively, a staff member designated by the company may also present the pitch. The pitching company is responsible for appointing a backup person who will stand in for the designated pitcher in case of an emergency, such as illness or accidents. Please provide the backup person’s details in the application, along with their availability to step in. Proficiency in both French and/or English is a requirement for the backup person.

SME Status Requirements:
To be considered a Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME), the company or business must meet the criteria set out in the EU Recommendation 2003/361. The determination of MSME status will be based on specific factors and guidelines.
In order to be eligible for participation in this opportunity, it is crucial for all applicants to meet the criteria mentioned below. Companies must fulfill the requirements related to the number of customers and either turnover or Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR).

Company category Staff headcount Turnover or Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)
Medium-sized < 250 ≤ 15 million Euros ≤ 5%
Small < 50 ≤ 2 million Euros ≥ 10%
Micro < 10 ≤ 0.5 million Euros ≥ 25%

The specified limits are applicable solely to the statistics of individual companies. In case a company is affiliated with a larger group or a holding, it is crucial to incorporate the combined number of employees, revenue, and CAGR of the entire group or holding.


The main focus of the project presented by the pitching company should be on a sector of the blue economy. This can include activities and sectors related to the maritime or coastal areas of Africa, as well as African inland waters.

The blue economy concept encompasses a wide range of maritime activities and sectors, including both traditional and emerging fields. These can be located in marine environments or on land, such as rivers, lakes, and deltas.

Projects in various sectors are encouraged, as long as they incorporate sustainability considerations into their production, distribution, service delivery, or product lifecycle. Some of the eligible sectors include fisheries and aquaculture, bio-marine technology, coastal protection and nature-based solutions for climate change, key enabling technologies, reduction of marine litter (especially plastics), marine services, renewable energy solutions, shipbuilding, shipping operations, tourism ventures, and carbon absorption operations.

It’s important to note that the list provided is not exhaustive, and candidates are welcome to propose projects within other sectors of the blue economy as well.

Alignment With SDGs

Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): The pitching company and the project being presented should showcase their alignment with one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations.

The organizers of the event are particularly interested in projects that demonstrate a strong commitment to sustainability.

Here are some examples of sectors that can align with the UN SDGs:

1. Food security and Zero hunger
2. Affordable and clean energy
3. Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
4. Responsible consumption and production
5. Climate change
6. Life below water (related to the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources)

However, projects falling within the following sectors are not eligible:

1. Projects that pose a threat to maritime and onshore ecosystems.
2. Projects that jeopardize the traditional life and communities of indigenous people.
3. Projects associated with criminal activities such as human trafficking, abuse, drugs, weapons, tobacco trafficking, etc.
4. Projects related to civil-military cooperation and defense matters will not be accepted.

Please ensure that your project aligns with the SDGs and does not fall within the ineligible sectors mentioned above.

Important Dates:
– Application deadline: January 26th
– Eligibility assessment: Starting from January 27th

Evaluation Process:
– Applications from eligible companies will be evaluated by a commission of international experts.
– The evaluation will be fair, transparent, and based on specific criteria.

Assessment Criteria:
– Compliance with guidelines and criteria.
– Demonstrated capabilities to meet project requirements.
– Innovation and feasibility of proposed solutions.
– Relevant experience.
– Technical expertise in the field.

To apply visit the official website of the program here. Remember to upload a signed Guidelines for Call for Applications for Pitchers with your application. Closes January 26, 2024

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