Call for Applications: Display Europe Micro-Grants for individual journalists and small media organisations

The European Cultural Foundation is calling on individual journalists and small media organizations to apply for a micro-grant.

This micro-grants program aims to promote the creation of journalistic content on important topics. The goal is to establish a European media landscape that is firmly rooted in public values and inclusivity, striving to create a collective platform that reflects the diverse realities shared across the continent.

They are particularly interested in individuals and small media organizations that are eager to collaborate across borders with pan-European relevance, focusing on themes of urgency and innovative storytelling.

What do they offer?
To facilitate collaboration among journalists, Hostwriter will provide a dedicated channel on their website where journalists can connect and explore potential partnerships.
Once teamed up, journalists and/or small media organizations can apply for a micro-grant of up to €2,000 per project.

What are they looking for?
This micro-grant opportunity is open on a monthly rolling basis. It aims to support small media organizations and/or individual journalists from at least three European countries to collaborate and produce journalistic content in various formats.

Successful projects will receive support, both technically and financially, to make their content accessible through the search, recommendation, and translation functions of
The granted projects will be promoted on and the European Cultural Foundation’s website.
Grantees will also receive mentoring support from Hostwriter, a consortium partner with expertise in cross-border journalism.

Hostwriter will provide tailored training and mentoring to grantees based on their specific needs. Teams will receive training in cross-border methodology and mindset, as well as optional training in solutions journalism and covering underreported stories.

Additionally, they can provide guidance on topics such as grant applications and pitching to international media upon request.

Eligibility Requirements
To apply for this opportunity, please complete the official application form in English. However, you can submit work samples in any other European language. Including a supplementary video is optional, but if you choose to do so, please ensure it is in MP4 format and does not exceed 1 minute in length. English subtitles are preferred but not mandatory.
This call is open to small media organizations and individual journalists who are at least 18 years old and have a fiscal sponsor. Applicants must be from at least three European countries.

We welcome various formats of journalistic work, including audio/video, text, and other multimedia options.
The applicant or the legal entity receiving the grant must be based in the European Union.
If awarded, access and publishing on the platform will be granted to those who adhere to the editorial charter and code of conduct of Display.

Please note that proposals submitted by political parties will not be accepted. The work should strictly remain non-partisan. For more information, please visit the European Cultural Foundation website. Deadline: 31-Mar-24

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