Call for Applications by the World Cinema Fund for film production companies across sub-Saharan Africa

The World Cinema Fund, in collaboration with the German Federal Foreign Office, introduced a special funding opportunity for projects from sub-Saharan Africa in 2016. If you submit a project from sub-Saharan Africa to the World Cinema Fund, it will automatically be considered for the special funding provided by the WCF Africa program.

Please note that only projects in the post-production phase are eligible for funding. This means that the majority of the shooting must be completed and at least a rough-cut of the film must be in place at the time of submission. Additionally, only films that can realistically be finished by October 2024 are eligible to apply.


There are three categories of eligibility for applicants:

1. Film production companies from sub-Saharan Africa regions that can demonstrate their collaboration with a director from a sub-Saharan Africa region/country.
2. Registered film production companies based in Germany (in the commercial register or registered trade) that can prove a working relationship with a director from a sub-Saharan Africa region/country.
3. Registered film production companies from other EU member states, provided they have a branch or place of business in Germany and can prove a working relationship with a director from a sub-Saharan Africa region.


  • There are two submission processes per year.
  • The deadline for the first submission process is at the end of February or the beginning of March, with jury meetings held in late June or early July.
  • The deadline for the second submission process is in July, and jury meetings for these submissions are usually held in early November.
  • Funding recommendations will be announced after the respective jury meetings.
  • For more information, please visit the website of the World Cinema Fund Africa. Deadline: 28 February 2024

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