Call for Applications: Beyond Roads Drone Challenge – Shaping the Future Together

The Abertis Foundation and Beyond Roads-Abertis Innovation is excited to announce the launch of the first open call for international submissions through the Drone Challenge.


How can we take the use of drones and their embedded technology to the next level in order to further enhance the operations and maintenance of high-capacity roads?

Use Case 01
We are looking for solutions that can enhance the operational activities of high-capacity roads in areas such as traffic management, road operation support, rapid response to emergencies, and dealing with adverse weather events on highways.
– Improve traffic management on roads
– Provide better support for road operations
– Enable quick response to emergencies on highways
– Address adverse weather events

Use Case 02
We are also interested in solutions that can improve infrastructure maintenance activities, including the inspection and rehabilitation of pavements and structures.
– Develop a comprehensive management and inspection system for pavements and/or structures
– Find innovative ways to rehabilitate pavements and/or structures.

Program Benefits:

– The opportunity to become a supplier for the Abertis Group.
– The 6 finalist Solutions will participate in Connect & Build Sessions.
– The winning solution will receive an estimated financial reward of €40,000 to conduct the pilot.
– Each of the 6 finalist solutions will receive a prize of €4,000.

What type of organization is the call aimed at?

We are actively seeking international startups and SMEs that are duly incorporated and validly existing, and are actively engaged in their business activities. In their applications, these companies must justify and explain why their solution could be the most suitable to address any of the use cases established by the ‘Drone Challenge.’

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) is subject to specific requirements that the solutions proposed by applicants must meet in order to qualify for the Drone Challenge. Specifically, the solutions submitted must reach or exceed a TRL level of 7. This requirement ensures that the solutions are at an advanced enough stage to be considered and, if applicable, effectively implemented.

TRL Levels:
TRL 7 – System Prototype Demonstration in an Operational Environment:
– The solution must have a working prototype.
– It must have undergone a demonstration in an operational environment replicating real-world conditions.
– The functionality and performance of the solution must be demonstrated.
– While full integration may not be required, it should represent a significant step toward mature operational technology. Deadline: 30 January 2024. For more information, please visit Beyond Roads.

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