Building a Strong Community for your Creative Brand

Ensuring your brand stands out in a crowded marketplace is a lot of work. You are competing with other top brands for the same audience, which makes attracting new customers and keeping existing ones coming back a challenge.

How do you leverage the power of a loyal customer base (community) that will constantly buy your product?

Join us at this virtual edition of the Catalyst on Thursday, August 29, as we explore how brands can capitalise on building strong communities around their brand and increase revenue.

Building a community isn’t just some trendy buzzword in entrepreneurial circles. It’s a strategic, powerful weapon that can catapult your business to unprecedented heights.

Come and learn the strategic tips on:

  • How creative business owners and professionals looking to build solid brands and maximise profit can achieve this by building strong communities around their brands
  • The tools and strategies needed in building brand communities
  • How creative business owners and professionals generate buzz about their businesses and stand out through their communities
  • How to effectively monetise these brand communities
  • The long-term strategies to grow and nurture their communities.

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